NewsReader V1.33Beta Just download the appropriate install file and run the .EXE. If you havent already, please read and agree to the Intel Software License Agreement before installing. Setup95.exe : Windows 95 Installation file (1,885KB) Setup.exe : Win3.1, Win3.11, WinNT Installation file (2,127KB) The install will ask you several questions and place the files in the appropriate directories. It will then create a NEWS icon and an UNINSTALL icon. Double click on the news icon to launch the newsreader. Double click on the uninstall to remove the newsreader from your system. NOTES: As problems are reported and fixed, new versions of the newsreader will be available off of this page. If you experience problems installing the Newsreader, try re-installing the latest software. If you still experience problems, send me a bug report. Many people have improperly installed versions of LAN WorkPlace. Make sure that you have device=vtcpip.386 in the [386Enh] section of your system.ini file! If you don't have this properly installed, or Windows can't find the file, you will get a General Protection Fault running the NewsReader! The custom uninstall does not currently work. The automatic uninstall seems to works fine and only removes the files that were created or replaced during the install. Notes: The NewsReader has been tested using the Novell LAN WorkPlace for DOS 4.0 and 4.1, Novell WinSock, FTP Software WinSock, and Beame&Whitesides WinSock interfaces. Other versions of WinSock were not available for testing at release, but they should be compatible.