[IMAGE] _THIS IS A DRAFT DOCUMENT!_ MAPPING BETWEEN RETRIEVAL FIELDS AND STAS ELEMENT NUMBERS _October 10th, 1994_ ========================================================================+ Field Name Code Number Repeat Composite ===============================+=========+=========+=========+==========+ Abstract | AB | 62 | - | - | Accession Number | AN | 2010 | - | - | Author Name | AU | 1003 | - | C | CAS Registry Number | RN | 2048 | - | C | CODEN | CODEN | 60 | - | - | Corporate Source | CS | 2 | - | - | Crossover Key | CK | 2473 | - | - | Document Type | DT(TC) | 2013 | - | - | Graphic Image | GI | 2474 | - | - | Int. Patent Classification | IC | 2016 | - | C | IPC, Index | ICI | 2018 | - | C | IPC, Main | ICM | 2019 | - | C | IPC, Secondary | ICS | 2020 | - | C | ISSN | ISSN | 8 | - | - | Index Term | IT | 2046 | R | C | Issue | ISSUE | 2485 | - | - | Journal Title | JT | 2467 | - | - | Language | LA | 54 | - | - | National Patent Classification | NCL | 2024 | - | C | Organization Division | CS.DIV | 2575 | - | - | Organization Name | CS.ORG | 2576 | - | - | Page Number | PGNO | 2574 | - | - | Patent Application Information | AI(AP) | 2044 | - | C | Patent Information | PI(PN) | 2043 | - | C | Publication Year | PY | 2038 | - | - | Section Title | SCT | 2501 | - | - | Section Cross-references | SX | 2039 | - | C | Subject | SUBJ | 2500 | R | - | Supplementary Term | ST(KW) | 2047 | - | C | Title | TI | 4 | - | - | Volume | VL | 2491 | - | - | Repeat/Composite Indicators R = Repeating Element (multiple instances of the Element may occur within a given Answer) C = Composite Element (Element contains one or more sub-Elements, each of which may be a search field).