LISTSERV FILEDOC                                                  Oct 92
                     LISTSERV File Server Functions
This  document  is an introductory guide to the file-server functions of
LISTSERV that are available to general users.  Throughout the  document,
we  will  use  the term LISTSERV to refer both to the  Revised  LISTSERV
software (also known as Eric Thomas' LISTSERV) and to LISTEARN  (derived
from Revised LISTSERV and maintained by the EARN Association).
A  separate  chapter  is  provided  at  the  end  of  the document which
highlights the difference in commands, parameters and functions  between
the two products with regard to this particular service.
All  active LISTSERV servers have file server capabilities. Please refer
to your local management to locate the server nearest to you.
LISTEARN is available from the EARN association for all EARN members. To
request  a  copy   of  the  code  or  for  more   information  write  to
TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET. Revised  LISTSERV is available for  all the sites
connected worldwide  to the  NJE network,  excluding the  EEC countries,
from Eric  Thomas (ERIC@SEARN.BITNET). Both products  are available free
of charge,  but subject  to the  signing of  a licence  contract. Please
contact the addresses above for details.
The file server  functions of LISTSERV are available to  any user on any
electronic mail  network world-wide  as long  as certain  conditions are
- the user is able to send an electronic mail message to LISTSERV
- the message complies with the electronic mail standard RFC822
- LISTSERV can construct a valid return address from the message
An NJE user (user of a computer directly connected to EARN/BITNET or any
of the cooperating networks) can access the file server functions by:
- interactive message
- electronic-mail
- file transfer
To  send a  command to  LISTSERV  by e-mail  or file,  simply write  the
command and the necessary parameters on  the first line of the mail body
or of the file and then send the mail/file to LISTSERV.
Any line appearing into the mail body or file will be interpreted by the
server as a  command and will cause either the  execution of the command
or a diagnostic message  to the sender in the case of  a syntax error or
unrecognized command.
Although  the primary  function of  LISTSERV is  to distribute  mail and
files  according to  predefined  distribution lists,  a  few basic  file
server functions  providing powerful list-based file  access control and
remote  file updating  facilities, under  the control  of both  the list
owner and the LISTSERV management, are also available.
The main purpose  of these functions is to provide  the subscribers of a
list with a set of data or  program files which are related to the list.
Apart from the obvious example of list "notebooks" (archives of messages
which  appeared on  the list),  working  groups can  provide minutes  of
internal meetings held by some  of the subscribers, technical groups can
share application programs related to  some software they are all using,
etc. Automatic  distribution of updated  materials is also  available to
subscribers. Last but not  least, a set of public files  open to all and
not  associated  with any  particular  distribution  list, can  be  made
available. Files  can also be  maintained individually by  "file owners"
(with  storing  privileges, similarly  to  the  "list owners"  but  only
related to specific files).
Note: In order  to prevent abuse of the file  server functions, and thus
causing excessive  load on  the network,  there is  a maximum  amount of
information which  may be retrieved  by a user  in a day.  Each LISTSERV
site can determine its own maximum. The default is 256k per day.
LISTSERV file  commands conform, more  or less, to the  standard command
set of the NETSERV file-server developed by Berthold Pasch for EARN.
Please note  that a  significant number  of the  commands have  the same
syntax for LISTSERV and NETSERV and  yet may operate very differently on
the two servers (the best example being the PW command). Please refer to
the  NETSERV documentation  if you  want a  detailed description  of the
NETSERV commands.
The filelist structure -
In order to allow each list to have its own set of files, independent of
other  lists, and  to make  it possible  to hide  the very  existence of
private files  from those users who  are not supposed to  retrieve them,
LISTSERV  keeps listings  of  available files  in  special files  called
FILELISTs.  A   FILELIST  is   like  a   directory  which   can  contain
subdirectories (other FILELISTs).  Any level of nesting  is allowed. The
"root" filelist is called LISTSERV  FILELIST and is always maintained by
the LISTSERV management at that site.
LISTSERV filelists  are almost  fully compatible with  the ones  you may
obtain from NETSERV. The header of the filelist will provide information
about the contents  of the filelist directory and a  list of File Access
Codes (FACs)  which will be  used later in the  body of the  filelist to
identify who is authorized to retrieve  the files or store them onto the
server. This FAC list is included between "banners" made of an asterisk,
a blank and a full line of  colons, and will usually have been commented
by the maintainer of the filelist to provide more information as to whom
the FACs refer to.
The  body  of the  filelist  will  contain file  declarations,  possibly
interspersed with comment lines. Comment lines start with an asterisk in
column one. The format of the file-declaration lines is as follows:
|                                                                      |
| fname   ftype  get put rfm lrecl nrecs date     time     description |
| |       |      |   |   |   |     |     |        |        |           |
| SAMPLE  FILE   ALL CTL VP  106   85    92/06/22 19:50:14 Dummy file  |
|                                                                      |
FNAME     is the filename
FTYPE     is  the filetype
GET       is the  FAC that controls  read access  to the file,  that is,
          people who are not included in the FAC will not be able to get
          the file.
PUT       is the FAC that controls write  access to the file. As a rule,
          it points to the file maintainers.
RFM       is the record-format  of the file. The first  letter is either
          "V" for  "Variable length  records" or  "F" for  "Fixed length
          records",  while the  second letter  will  be set  to "P"  for
          "Packed format files" or left blank for non-packed files. Note
          that  packed files  will  be automatically  unpacked prior  to
          being sent  to you as a  result of a GET  command or Automatic
          File Distribution  process; however,  if you  set up  a direct
          link to  the disk on which  they are stored (eg,  by FTP), you
          will find them to be in packed format.
NRECS     is the number of records in the file. Files flagged with nrecs
          = 0 and dots in the other fields are not yet available but can
          be subscribed to or stored by their maintainer.
DATE/TIME is  the date  the file  was last  updated, in  yy/mm/dd format
          (this makes it easier to sort the filelist by date). Note that
          the process of updating the  "date" field in a filelist causes
          the  filelist  itself  to  be   flagged  as  changed  and  the
          corresponding date/time in its entry  up the tree structure to
          be modified accordingly.
The Packages concept
The term "package"  refers to a set  of program or data  files which are
supposed to be retrieved together under normal conditions. Provision has
been made to allow users to  retrieve these files with a single command,
and to subscribe to the package as a whole with updated versions of only
the  individual  changed  files  being  sent  out.  The  package  exists
independently of its individual components which can still be referenced
There  is a  dummy  file  and a  definition  file  associated with  each
package. The dummy file has a  fileid of "package-name PACKAGE" and does
not really exist. However, ordering this dummy file will cause the whole
set of  files to be sent  to you. Similarly, subscribing  to this single
dummy file will  result in a global subscription for  all the components
of  the package.  As a  rule of  thumb, the  dummy file  should be  used
whenever reference is made to the package as a whole.
The definition  file has a  fileid of "package-name $PACKAGE"  and lists
the set  of files that  are contained in  the package. Unlike  the dummy
file, it really exists and can be retrieved as any other normal file. It
will usually list  itself as the first  file of the package  so that you
get a  copy of it  and check that you  have received all  required files
before starting  to use  the package. It  may reference  another package
which is required for  the package you ordered to be  used (any level of
nesting is  allowed). If you subscribe  to a package via  Automatic File
Distribution (qqv),  you will  automatically receive update  versions ofd
all  the  corresponding sub-packages  if  they  are updated.  Similarly,
ordering the package will cause all sub-packages to be sent to you.
LISTSERV is able to automatically keep  notebooks for a list if the list
owner  so desires.  Those notebooks  are  listed in  a special  filelist
called  "NOTEBOOK FILELIST",  which is  automatically maintained  by the
server  according to  the parameters  specified  in the  headers of  its
various  lists. The  files of  the notebook  will also  be automatically
appended to the corresponding "listname FILELIST" (if it exists) to make
it possible to get a listing of  all archive files kept for a particular
list. If  no "listname FILELIST"  has been  prepared by the  list owner,
LISTSERV will automatically  create a dummy one  with no file-definition
entries other than the ones for the notebook files kept for the list.
Retrieval of  the NOTEBOOK  FILELIST has  been restricted  to registered
Node Administrators (NADs)  as it is usually a very  large file prone to
generate significant network traffic.
The files listed in the NOTEBOOK filelist are just like normal files and
can be retrieved as indicated by their GET File Access Code. They can be
subscribed to  as normal files, and  can even be modified  or deleted by
their owners, as indicated by their PUT FAC (which usually points to the
list  owners). However,  once  such a  file has  been  deleted, it  will
disappear  permanently from  the filelist,  unlike a  normal file  which
would be forced to nrecs = 0 but would remain listed.
Any archive file  can be ordered either as  "filename filetype listname"
or  as  "filename filetype  NOTEBOOK".  The  two syntaxes  will  produce
strictly equivalent results, regardless of whether the NOTEBOOK filelist
has  been  made  available  to  general  users  by  the  local  LISTSERV
management or  not. However, it is  recommended that the latter  form be
preferred in application  programs as it will result  in better response
time from the server: the  NOTEBOOK filelist always denotes list archive
files whereas  the listname  filelist might  contain other  files, which
makes it impossible to optimize the search algorithm.
Use the INDex command to review the contents of a filelist as follows:
|                                                                      |
| INDex     <filelist_name>     <F=fformat> <CLASS=fclass>             |
|                                                                      |
FILELIST_NAME is the name of the filelist you want to search
FFORMAT   is the  format you wish  to receive the document.  The default
          format   should   be    acceptable,   except   under   unusual
          circumstances, so this parameter is rarely needed.
FCLASS    applies only  if you can receive  the document as a  file (NJE
          users) and specifies which VM/CP  spool class shall be used to
          send you the  document. It can be  one-character alphameric (A
          through Z, or 0 through 9). Please refer to the IBM/CP Command
          Reference manual for more information.
The  server  sends  you  the  specified  filelist  (defaults to LISTSERV
FILELIST). This command is strictly  equivalent  to  "GET  filelist_name
FILELIST"  and  has been  made available for  compatibility  with  other
file  servers  on  the network.
Use the GET command to retrieve a file (or a filelist as  with:    INDEX
|                                                                      |
| GET     fn ft <filelist_name> <F=fformat> <CLASS=fclass>             |
|                                                                      |
FN        is the file name
FT        is the file type (the "extension" of the file)
FILELIST_NAME is the name of the filelist under which the file is stored
FFORMAT   is the  format in which you  wish to receive the  document. It
          can  be:  Netdata,  Card,  Disk, Punch,  LPunch,  XXEncode  or
          UUEncode. If you  are at an NJE node (i.e.  in the EARN/Bitnet
          network) the default  will be the value that  has been defined
          for your  node by  the system administrator  of your  node. If
          more  than one  has been  defined  the most  efficient one  is
          If you are not an NJE user (e.g. you write to LISTSERV from an
          Internet node) the  result will be sent back to  you as a mail
          item. The only options that  apply, in this case, are UUEncode
          or XXEncode, for the standard UU, or XX, encoding of the file.
          This is useful for getting  non-text files. Note that you will
          have to decode the file yourself afterwards.
FCLASS    same as in the INdex command.
The server sends you the requested file provided you are  authorized  to
retrieve it.
You can use the GET command, or its synonym SENDme, to request a file to
be sent to you.  You must specify the filename and  filetype of the file
as they  appear in the filelist,  and you may optionally  append a third
parameter to  the command to indicate  from which filelist you  want the
search for  the file to start.  This parameter is normally  not required
unless there  is more  than one  file available  from LISTSERV  with the
filename  and filetype  you are  requesting. Application  programs which
issue GET commands to LISTSERV and know the filelist name should specify
it since it  speeds up the filelist  search. The default is  to start at
the root filelist, LISTSERV FILELIST.
The GETALL command  can be used by filelist owners  to get files subject
to access restrictions.
|                                                                      |
|   GETALL    fn ft <filelist>    <F=fformat> <CLASS=fclass>           |
|                                                                      |
FN        is the file name
FT        is the file type (the "extension" of the file)
FILELIST  is the name of the filelist under which the file is stored
FFORMAT   same as in the GET command.
FCLASS    same as in the INdex command.
The server  sends you the  requested file  provided that you  are either
authorized to  GET it (refer to  the description of the  GET command for
more details), or you are authorized to PUT the filelist that defines it
or any other filelist in the same branch up the tree structure.
The GETALL command allows filelist owners to retrieve files defined in a
filelist that they can PUT, but which they are not allowed to access via
the GET  command because their  File Access  Codes prevent it.  That is,
whenever the command originator would be  able to change the File Access
Code  that  prevents him  from  retrieving  the  file by  modifying  the
filelist  in which  it is  defined,  he is  allowed to  obtain the  file
directly by means of a GETALL command.
The  GETALL  command  will  only  bypass the  File  Access  Code  access
restriction. If any  File Access Verification Exit  has been established
for the file, it will still  receive control and might still deny access
to the file.
The  LISTSERV operation  staff normally  has  PUT access  over the  root
filelist, LISTSERV FILELIST. This implies  having GETALL access over all
the files stored on the local server.
Use the GIVE command to have the server sending a file to  any  user  in
the network.
|                                                                      |
| GIVE     fn ft <filelist> <TO> userid@node <F=fformat> <CLASS=fclass>|
|                                                                      |
FN        is the file name
FT        is the file type (the "extension" of the file)
FILELIST  is the name of the filelist under which the file is stored
USERID@NODE is the full address of the user you want to receive the file
FFORMAT   same as in the GET command.
FCLASS    same as in the INdex command.
The server  sends the requested  file to the specified  userid, provided
you  would be  authorized to  retrieve  it yourself  by means  of a  GET
The  destination userid  will receive  a  mail message  saying that  you
requested the file to be sent. You  will get a copy of all messages sent
to destination  userid so  that you  are informed  if some  error occurs
while sending the file.
The GIVE command allows you to ask LISTSERV to send a file or package to
another network user. This  is very useful when you want  to send a file
to  some  user  who  is  not  authorized  to  retrieve  it  but  who  is
topologically nearer  to the server than  to you. It also  allows you to
order  files  for  people  who  are  not  able  to  issue  the  requests
themselves, for  example people  behind a  one-way gateway  which allows
mail to be received but not sent out to LISTSERV.
For  technical reasons,  it is  not possible  to GIVE  a LIST  file: the
present  inter-server  command protocol  does  not  allow a  destination
address different from  the command origin address, which  would make it
impossible to consistently forward the GIVE request to other servers.
LISTSERV vs LISTEARN additional features
The only different feature for the  file server functions are related to
the values that can be specified for the fformat option for the commands
described above.
Additional values for the fformat option specific to LISTEARN:
BTOA      uses the UNIX encoding (binary to ASCII) conversion.
HEX       turns each byte in the file into two bytes.
EBCDIC    turns an ASCII file into EBCDIC.
ARCHIVE, VMARCHIVE, VARC compresses the file in VM-ARC format.
SPLIT     is used to split the output file into small files. It can also
          be used  in addition  to any  of those  above, separated  by a
          comma. (e.g. GET myfile log90 f=XXE,split)
Additional values for the fformat option specific to Revised LISTSERV:
VMSDUMP   useful for getting files on VAX/VMS.
MAIL      useful for getting  a response by mail,  when sending requests
          by interactive message.
MIME/TEXT converts text files according to the MIME standard.
MIME/APPL converts non-text files according to the MIME standard.
No  specific  clients are  available  for  the  use of  this  fileserver
This  document  is designed to be used in conjunction with the
and  assumes basic  knowledge  of the  LISTSERV  functions available  to
general users. File owners should refer to the:
LISTSERV File Maintainer's Guide: LISTFOWN MEMO (available from LISTEARN
for  a more  technical discussion  of  the internal  format of  filelist
entries and  a description  of the privileged  file-maintenance commands
available to file owners.
Title: Setting up the LISTSERV File Server
Author: Benjamin E. Chi <>
Coverage: files
Date: 11.7.91