EARN Association
                                 July 29, 1993
                       LISTSERV Guide for GENERAL USERS
       This document  has been compiled  and produced by the  EARN Asso-
       ciation.  Permission to copy  all or part of this document  with-
       out fee is granted provided the  copies  are not used for commer-
       cial advantage   and that  the EARN Association  is cited  as the
       source of the document.
       (c) EARN Association, 1993
       We would like to acknowledge the help and guidence given to us by
       Eric Thomas while writing the LISTSERV User's Guide.  Please send
       any   comments    you   may    have   about    this   guide    to
       Document Version Number : 2.0
       Written for Listserv 1.7f
       This   document  is   available   in   electronic  format   from:
       Send the  following command to  the above LISTSERV  server:   GET
       filename, where the filename is either:
        LSVGUIDE PS             (Postscript)
        LSVGUIDE MEMO           (plain text)
       ISBN 2-910286-02-9
       The LISTSERV Server
          Sending Commands to LISTSERV
                By E-mail
                By Interactive Messages
                By File Transfer
                The Special LISTSERV Address
          LISTSERV Functions and Command Descriptions
          LISTSERV Command Keywords
          Locating LISTSERV LISTS
          Commands for LISTS
          Locating LISTSERV Filelists
          Commands for FILE SERVER Functions
                Query File
       LISTSERV DATABASE Functions
          DATABASE Keywords
          Locating LISTSERV DATABASES
          Batch DATABASE Access
          Interactive DATABASE Access
          DATABASE Commands
          Commands for INFORMATION
             Batch Jobs
             The MAIL Prefix
       Other Sources of Information
                              The LISTSERV Server
       LISTSERV was originally devised by  the BITNET Information Centre
       (BITNIC)  and was designed to act  as a mailing list server whose
       function was to  distribute electronic mail (also  called e-mail)
       to users appearing in a mailing list. The server managed any num-
       ber of these mailing lists,  each  one addressing a specific area
       of interest for network users and  each having an independent set
       of list members.  For example, para-psychologists who were inter-
       ested  in the  topic  of  near-death-experiences could  establish
       their own mailing list.  Those users  from across the network who
       wished to subscribe to this list could then do so by having their
       e-mail address added to it. The LISTSERV server would subsequent-
       ly distribute a copy  of any e-mail sent to this  list to each of
       the list members.  This service  provided an extremely convenient
       means for the exchange of ideas  and information between the mem-
       bers of any list since it was LISTSERV (and not individual users)
       who managed the  distribution of e-mail to  all final recipients.
       Users had only  to send mail to  the e-mail address of  a list in
       order to communicate with any number of list members. This great-
       ly  simplified the  task of  sending e-mail  to potentially  very
       large audiences.  The concept of mail distribution through a cen-
       tralized server was termed mail explosion since a single piece of
       e-mail posted to a list  resulted in multiple copies subsequently
       being sent out by the LISTSERV server, one to every list member.
       The LISTSERV concept was later adopted and modified by Eric Thom-
       as in a new version of  the server called Revised LISTSERV.  This
       LISTSERV server retained its primary function as a mail distribu-
       tion agent and also added many new and powerful features. A major
       enhancement  was  the addition  of  a  command processor  to  the
       Revised LISTSERV.  With the original  LISTSERV,  all requests for
       subscription to or removal from mailing lists had to be processed
       on a user's behalf by the LISTSERV administrator. As the popular-
       ity of the server increased,  this inevitably led to delays.  The
       new server, however,  allowed these and other commands to be sent
       directly to  LISTSERV by  the users  themselves.   This  not only
       reduced  the  administrative  overhead of  the  server  but  also
       ensured that  the members of  a list  would be an  up-to-date and
       interested audience.   A more fundamental enhancement  to Revised
       LISTSERV over  its predecessor  came in  its operational  design.
       This was made to accommodate the decentralization of the service.
       Decentralization meant that  instead of there being  one central-
       ized LISTSERV server controlling all  of the mailing lists,  many
       of  these servers  were located  across the  network and  managed
       their own, independent set of lists. This improved both the effi-
       ciency  and  robustness  of  the service  by  allowing  users  of
       LISTSERV to be subscribed to mailing lists managed by a number of
       different servers, all located at different computer sites.  Even
       so,  a  high degree  of inter-server  cooperation was  maintained
       which preserved the benefits of a centralized service.  For exam-
       ple,  a global sign-me-off-all-lists command sent to one LISTSERV
       would be automatically propagated to  all the other LISTSERV ser-
       vers  on the  network.   Likewise,   mailing lists  at  different
       LISTSERV servers could  be peered together.  Lists  such as these
       would have the same name but each one would have a different mem-
       bership.  Mail sent to any one of these lists would automatically
       be distributed to the membership at each of its peers. This meant
       that  a large  mailing  list  could be  split  over  one or  more
       LISTSERV servers.   Using a  decentralized topology  for LISTSERV
       also gave rise  to the development of  powerful mail distribution
       algorithms that significantly reduced the overall electronic mail
       traffic load on the EARN/BITNET network and which provided a fast
       and efficient service to all LISTSERV users.
       In addition to its mailing list functions,  LISTSERV was enhanced
       to maintain  a database  for each  mailing list.   These notebook
       databases (also called list archives)  held  a copy of every mail
       message  that was  distributed on  a mailing  list.  Users  could
       search for and  retrieve old mail messages by  using the database
       functions of LISTSERV.  Besides notebook and other standard data-
       bases,  LISTSERV could  have any number of  databases defined and
       maintained locally.  Another function added  to LISTSERV was that
       of a file server.  This meant that  the server could be used as a
       central file repository  which could be interrogated  and respond
       to retrieval requests  from any user.  LISTSERV  users could also
       subscribe to files so that they would be informed of file updates
       or would  automatically receive an updated  copy of a  file.  The
       final function added to LISTSERV was  that of an information ser-
       ver. This allowed users to receive up-to-date network information
       such as details of individual  EARN/BITNET computer sites and the
       overall configuration of the network.
       This guide describes  how the LISTSERV server may  be utilized by
       any network user. The four major functions of LISTSERV are summa-
       rized along with their corresponding commands. These commands are
       available for  everyone and require  no special  LISTSERV command
       privileges.  Commands  which do require special  privileges (that
       is, commands for list owners and LISTSERV administrators) are not
       included here. For a more detailed introduction to LISTSERV, send
       the command GET LISTPRES MEMO to  your nearest (or any)  LISTSERV
       Sending Commands to LISTSERV
       LISTSERV does not  need to be on  your own computer in  order for
       you  to be  able  to  use it.   All  the  servers reside  on  the
       EARN/BITNET network and are available to any users that can reach
       them.  Once you are able to do this,  you may then send them com-
       mands such as signing on or off various lists or any of the other
       commands described in this guide.  There are three ways to commu-
       nicate with LISTSERV servers:  via e-mail, by interactive message
       and by  file transfer.   For detailed  information about  sending
       electronic mail, interactive messages and file transfers, see the
       DOC FILELIST,   available from LISTSERV  at node  EARNCC.   These
       three methods of communicating with LISTSERV are described below.
       By E-mail
       This is  the primary,  most  common method of  communicating with
       LISTSERV  and can  be  employed by  any  user  from any  network.
       EARN/BITNET users will be able to send e-mail to LISTSERV servers
       since they are situated on the same network.  Users on other net-
       works must first ensure that they  can reach the EARN/BITNET net-
       work where the servers reside. Contact your local support person-
       nel if you do not know how to accomplish this. For LISTSERV to be
       able to read and understand any mail message, it must comply to a
       mailing standard called RFC822. This is an Internet document that
       defines  the format  and syntax  of an  electronic mail  message.
       Contact your local support personnel  to confirm that your e-mail
       complies to this standard if you are not sure.
       Sending commands to LISTSERV via e-mail  is not the same as send-
       ing mail to a mailing list. Command mail must be sent to the ser-
       ver itself (for example, LISTSERV at DEARN)  and should contain a
       series of LISTSERV  commands in its text.  On the  other hand,  a
       mail message intended for distribution to  the members of a mail-
       ing list should  be sent to the  name of that list  (for example,
       the I-KERMIT  list at  DEARN).  When  a LISTSERV  server receives
       e-mail,  it will assume that it  is command mail and will sequen-
       tially execute the commands found on  each line in the mail.  The
       results of these commands will then  be e-mailed back to the sen-
       der.  The address  the server uses to return  the command results
       will normally be  the From:  addressee in the  command mail (that
       is,  the original  sender of the mail).  Note  that LISTSERV will
       ignore the contents of the Subject: mail header so make sure that
       your commands are  in the body of  the mail message and  that you
       have only  one command  per line.   Any blank  lines that  may be
       present in the body of the mail will be ignored.  For example, if
       you wanted  LISTSERV at EARNCC to  execute the commands  LIST and
       GET DOC FILELIST, the body of your mail would look like this:
            GET DOC FILELIST
       and would be addressed to the userid LISTSERV at the node EARNCC.
       Besides returning command results,  LISTSERV will also inform you
       of any unknown  commands or syntax errors that were  found in the
       command mail. A number of these errors will be tolerated and pro-
       cessing will be passed to the next command in sequence.  However,
       should the error  count pass a certain  threshold,  processing of
       the command mail will be stopped  and any remaining commands will
       not be executed.
       By Interactive Messages
       In addition to sending commands to  a LISTSERV server via e-mail,
       they can also be sent  through interactive messages.  This method
       is only available to EARN/BITNET users and not to users from oth-
       er networks.   Interactive messages provide perhaps the most con-
       venient method for communicating with a LISTSERV server. Commands
       can be sent (one at a time)   to LISTSERV which will then execute
       them and  send a  response to  your screen.   Note that  for some
       LISTSERV commands  (usually those that generate  large quantities
       of output),   results will  be sent to  you in  a file.   If this
       occurs,  you will be informed by a message on your screen.   Note
       that commands sent  to LISTSERV via interactive  messages must be
       addressed to the server itself and not to any mailing lists.
       By File Transfer
       For EARN/BITNET users,   it is also possible to  send commands to
       LISTSERV via NJE file transfer.  It is not possible to use FTP or
       the file transfer systems of other networks to achieve this. Com-
       mands should  be entered into  a file  or dataset using  the same
       rules as described above for e-mail.  The file may then be trans-
       ferred to the LISTSERV server where you want the commands execut-
       ed. The results will normally be returned to you by e-mail.  Note
       that when you  transfer command files to LISTSERV,   they must be
       sent to the server itself and not to any mailing lists.
       The Special LISTSERV Address
       To facilitate  communications with  the LISTSERV  servers on  the
       EARN/BITNET network,  a  special LISTSERV computer node  has been
       defined.   This means that any EARN/BITNET user can address their
       commands to the userid LISTSERV at the special node LISTSERV. For
       example,  VM/CMS and VAX/VMS users may send a LIST GLOBAL command
       to receive details on all LISTSERV  mailing lists across the net-
       work by issuing the appropriate interactive message command.  For
       VM/CMS users:
       For VAX/VMS users:
       All non-EARN/BITNET users  may address their command  mail to the
       userid LISTSERV at the special node LISTSERV.EARN.NET.  Note that
       if this node is not yet defined on your network, you may also try
       the special node LISTSERV.BITNET.  For example,  if you wanted to
       join the  3D-L mailing list  that discusses 3D  computer graphics
       but are  not sure of the  address of the LISTSERV  server hosting
       this list. You could send a subscription request to either of the
       following addresses:
       Your subscription request  will be automatically forwarded  on to
       the LISTSERV server hosting the 3D-L  mailing list (in this case,
       at the computer node ARIZVM1).
       You may also utilize the special  LISTSERV address to send e-mail
       to any  LISTSERV mailing list if  you are unsure of  its address.
       For example,  if you wanted to  send mail to the BITFTP-L mailing
       list to request a copy of the BITFTP product,  you could do so by
       addressing your  e-mail to  BITFTP-L@LISTSERV.EARN.NET.  It  will
       automatically be  forwarded to the  list's real address  (in this
       case, BITFTP-L@EARNCC.BITNET)  when it reaches the LISTSERV node.
       The special LISTSERV  address is particularly useful  if you have
       signed off a list for a vacation period and you are unsure of its
       address when you come to resubscribe or  if a list has been moved
       to a  new location.  Note that  any backbone LISTSERV  server can
       provide this service  and if one is located  conveniently to you,
       it  should be  used in  preference  to the  the special  LISTSERV
       address. Once a list's address has been established, it should be
       used for all future mail sent to that list.
       LISTSERV Functions and Command Descriptions
       LISTSERV can be  broadly categorized into four  functional areas.
       These are the mailing list,   file server,  database and informa-
       tional functions.   Each of these areas is described in detail in
       separate chapters. Each chapter contains a brief introduction and
       then goes on  to describe the LISTSERV commands  relevant to that
       function.  The  syntax of each command  has been written  using a
       particular format.  Command names come first and are presented in
       upper- and  lower-case characters.  The  upper-case portion  of a
       command shows its valid abbreviation.   Either this or the entire
       command name  may be used.  The  command name is followed  by its
       parameters which are used to supply additional information in the
       command.   All parameters  are fully  explained  in each  command
       description.   Those parameters that are surrounded by '< ...  >'
       characters are  optional and  do not always  have to  be included
       with each  command (although  there will be  times when  they are
       needed).  The  '|' character shows a  choice between one  or more
       different parameters.  Where it appears,  you can select only one
       of the parameters listed at a time.
       LISTSERV Command Keywords
       This section describes the set  of standard command keywords used
       in LISTSERV commands.  Note,  do  not confuse these with database
       keywords,  which are explained in the LISTSERV DATABASE Functions
       chapter. When LISTSERV receives any command, it first selects and
       verifies all the command keywords it contains.  These are identi-
       fied as the text immediately preceding an '=' (equal) symbol in a
       command.  If a standard command keyword  is found,  it is checked
       and any errors cause the  immediate termination of processing for
       that command.  If a keyword is found but not recognised (that is,
       it is a non-standard keyword),   LISTSERV assumes that it belongs
       to the overall command and it is passed over.  Once standard key-
       word checking is complete,  LISTSERV then checks the overall com-
       mand for any errors.  The  standard LISTSERV command keywords are
       as follows:
       PW= password This keyword is used to specify a password in a com-
                    mand.  If you have registered a personal password on
                    a LISTSERV server,   you will then have  to validate
                    certain commands by using the PW= command keyword in
                    the command text.  This feature  is designed to pre-
                    vent  impostors from  issuing  commands while  using
                    your e-mail address. The use of passwords is strong-
                    ly recommended for this reason.   See the PW command
                    in the  section Commands  for FILE  SERVER Functions
                    for details on registering personal passwords.  Once
                    you  have  registered  a   personal  password  at  a
                    LISTSERV server,  you will be obliged to include the
                    PW= command keyword in all commands where it appears
                    as an option.
       F= format    This keyword  controls the file format  (or internal
                    file structure)  in which files will be sent to you.
                    If you are not a  member of the EARN/BITNET network,
                    then LISTSERV will always use  the default file for-
                    mat of MAIL.  Otherwise,  the default file format is
                    dependent upon  the information held in  the BITEARN
                    NODES file  regarding your  computer.   The  BITEARN
                    NODES file is a special network definition file used
                    in the EARN/BITNET network.  Any  user may ask for a
                    file format  other than their default  by specifying
                    it in the  F= command keyword in  the commands where
                    it appears  as an option.   Note that this  will not
                    permanently change  your default  file format,   its
                    effect is only for those commands where it is speci-
                    fied.  Following is a list  of file formats that are
                    valid for all users:
                         XXE  UUe  MIME/text  MIME/Appl  MAIL
                    In addition, EARN/BITNET users may specify:
                         Netdata  Card  Disk  Punch  LPunch  VMSdump
                    Contact your local support personnel for more infor-
                    mation about the file formats supported on your com-
       CLASS= class This  keyword controls  the class  of the  spoolfile
                    that will  be sent to  you.  Valid file  classes are
                    composed of a single alphabetic character. Note that
                    this option  is relevant  only to  EARN/BITNET users
                    but is of little relevance  to the everyday LISTSERV
                    user.  It is  used most commonly by  client applica-
                    tions interfacing with LISTSERV to identify LISTSERV
                    command output.   This command  keyword may  be used
                    with any command where it appears as an option.
                        LISTSERV MAILING LIST Functions
       The  primary function  of LISTSERV  is to  operate mailing  lists
       (also referred to as distribution lists).  Mailing lists are used
       to distribute  the e-mail sent  to them  to a list  a recipients.
       They  provide the  means for  a group  of users  to establish  an
       e-mail forum on any topic or  area of common interest.  For exam-
       ple,  quantum physicists who are interested in particle accelera-
       tion can request that  a mailing list be created for  them at one
       of the  LISTSERV servers.  This request  must be directed  to the
       LISTSERV administrator  at a  computer site  operating a  server.
       Once the  list has  been established,  any  user from  across the
       EARN/BITNET network (or from any other network that can reach the
       EARN/BITNET network)  can apply to join  it.  This may be done by
       sending a list subscription request to the LISTSERV server manag-
       ing the list.  Their name and e-mail address will subsequently be
       added to the list membership.  LISTSERV will distribute copies of
       all e-mail sent to  a mailing list to all of  the members of that
       list. This service provides an extremely convenient means for the
       exchange  of ideas  and information  between  list members  since
       LISTSERV (and not  the mail sender)  manages  the distribution of
       e-mail to all of its final recipients.  Users need only to remem-
       ber one list  address to which they  send their mail in  order to
       communicate to a  potentially large number of users.   Due to the
       efficiency with  which LISTSERV distributes  e-mail to  list mem-
       bers,  discussions or  debates with a world-wide  audience may be
       Note that sending mail to a mailing list is not the same as send-
       ing mail  to a LISTSERV server  itself.  To distribute mail  to a
       mailing list, it should be sent to that list's address (for exam-
       ple,   the  Canadian  adult  education   list  ADLTED-L  at  node
       UREGINA1). Send e-mail to a LISTSERV server only if it contains a
       series of LISTSERV commands you want  that server to execute (for
       example, command mail sent to LISTSERV at UREGINA1). See the sec-
       tion Sending Commands to LISTSERV for more information.
       Locating LISTSERV LISTS
       A LISTSERV server  may manage any number of  mailing lists.  Each
       mailing list will have a list name of up to thirty two characters
       in length.   However,   most lists have only  eight characters in
       their name and these commonly end  with '-L' (to readily identify
       them as LISTSERV  mailing lists).  A list's name goes  to make up
       its e-mail address.  For example,   the Biomechanics and Movement
       Science list has  a list name of  BIOMCH-L and is located  at the
       node  HEARN.   The  list  therefore  has  an  e-mail  address  of
       BIOMCH-L@HEARN,  which should  be used when sending  mail to that
       list for  distribution.  The LISTSERV  server at node  HEARN will
       manage the list and  it is to this server that  all user commands
       related to  the list (such  as subscription requests)   should be
       sent.   Most LISTSERV  servers can  provide  you with  up-to-date
       information  on all  known mailing  lists across  the network  in
       response to the following command:
            LIST GLOBAL
       You will receive a file called  LISTSERV LISTS which contains the
       names,  addresses and titles of all LISTSERV mailing lists.  This
       is  a very  large  file,  so  make sure  you  have the  necessary
       resources to  accommodate its size  before you use  this command.
       You may then browse this file to  find the names and addresses of
       any lists  that may interest you.   This command is  described in
       full in the section Command for LISTS.
       Commands for LISTS
       The following commands are designed for use with LISTSERV mailing
       lists.  With them you may do things such as finding the names and
       addresses of lists,  signing on to or off lists,  reviewing lists
       or changing your  personal options for any mailing  list to which
       you are subscribed.  Note that the F= and CLASS= command keywords
       may be used optionally with any of the commands where they appear
       (see the section LISTSERV Command Keywords for more information).
       |                                                               |
       |  SUBscribe   Sign on to a mailing list                        |
       |                                                               |
       |  SIGNUP      A synonym for the SUBscribe command              |
       |                                                               |
       |  UNSubscribe Sign off a mailing list                          |
       |                                                               |
       |  SIGNOFF     A synonym for the UNSubscribe command            |
       |                                                               |
       |  List        Receive a listing of all the mailing lists at a  |
       |              server                                           |
       |                                                               |
       |  REView      Receive details of a mailing list                |
       |                                                               |
       |  Query       Review  your optional  settings  for a  mailing  |
       |              list                                             |
       |                                                               |
       |  SET         Change your optional setting for a mailing list  |
       |                                                               |
       |  CONFIRM     Confirm your subscription to a mailing list      |
       |                                                               |
       |  STats       Display statistical information about a mailing  |
       |              list                                             |
       |                                                               |
       |  REGister    Register your name at a LISTSERV server          |
       |                                                               |
       SUBscribe  Use the SUBscribe (or SIGNUP)  command to join a mail-
                  ing list.  You can also use  this command to alter the
                  name (but not e-mail address)   by which you are known
                  on a mailing list you have already joined.  The format
                  of the command is:
                  SUBscribe  list-name  < full-name >
                  Where list-name is  the name of the list  to which you
                  want to subscribe.  For example,   the EARN User Group
                  list located  at the node IRLEARN  has a list  name of
                  EARN-UG.  Do not confuse this  with the list's address
                  (EARN-UG@IRLEARN)   which  should not  be  used.   The
                  optional full-name parameter allows you to give a name
                  by which you  want to be known on a  mailing list.  If
                  specified, it should be your full, real name (at least
                  your first  name and last  name)  and not  your e-mail
                  address. If you send this command to LISTSERV via com-
                  mand mail,  the name for  the full-name option will be
                  taken from  the name given  in the From:   mail header
                  should it be omitted from the command text.  For exam-
                  ple,  the following command would subscribe you to the
                  EARN-UG mailing list under the name of Alan C. Border:
                       SUBSCRIBE  EARN-UG  Alan C. Border
                  Since the EARN-UG list is located at the node IRLEARN,
                  the above command should be  sent to the LISTSERV ser-
                  ver at the same node.
                  A request to  join a mailing list can  be processed in
                  three  ways:   subscription  to a  list  may be  OPEN,
                  CLOSED, or BY-OWNER.  If it is OPEN, you will be auto-
                  matically added to the list and sent notification.  If
                  it is CLOSED,  you will not be added to the list,  and
                  LISTSERV will send you a message telling you that your
                  request has been  rejected.  If it is  BY-OWNER,  your
                  subscription  request will  be forwarded  to the  list
                  owner(s), who will decide whether or not to add you to
                  the  list  (LISTSERV  will inform  you  to  whom  your
                  request has been forwarded).  To see what kind of sub-
                  scription a list has, use the REView command.
                  You can  send your SUBscribe  command to  the LISTSERV
                  server that manages the list you  wish to join,  or to
                  any backbone  LISTSERV server.   All backbone  servers
                  have  an up-to-date  listing  of all  non-confidential
                  lists at  every other  LISTSERV.  A  backbone LISTSERV
                  will automatically forward your  request to the appro-
                  priate site. If there are several servers with (uncon-
                  nected)  lists of  the same name,  then  LISTSERV will
                  send you a list of these  sites and advise you to send
                  your  SUBscribe command  directly  to the  appropriate
                  When you join a list,  LISTSERV at that site adds your
                  name and e-mail address to  its signup file.  Once you
                  have joined a list at a particular LISTSERV,  you need
                  not include your name in subsequent SUBscribe commands
                  for lists at that server.   Unless you do provide your
                  name in the full-name option, LISTSERV will search for
                  and use the name it has for you in its signup file. If
                  you send a  SUBscribe command for a list  to which you
                  already belong,  then LISTSERV will interpret the com-
                  mand  as a  request to  change your  full-name on  the
                  Use the UNSubscribe  (or SIGNOFF)  command to  leave a
                  mailing list. The format of the command is:
                  UNSubscribe  list-name  |  *  < (NETWIDE >
                  where list-name  is the  name of  a mailing  list from
                  which you want to remove your subscription.  For exam-
                  ple,  the  MacIntosh Digest list  located at  the node
                  CEARN has the name INFO-MAC.  Do not confuse this with
                  the list's address (INFO-MAC@CEARN)   which should not
                  be used.  You  can signoff all the lists  to which you
                  are a member at any  particular LISTSERV site by using
                  the '*' (asterisk)   character in the place  of a list
                  name.  If you want your UNSubscribe command to be pro-
                  pagated  to  all  LISTSERV  servers  on  the  network,
                  include the  (NETWIDE option.   For example,   use the
                  following command to  leave the INFO-MAC list  at node
                       UNSUBSCRIBE INFO-MAC
                  It should be  sent to LISTSERV at  CEARN which manages
                  the INFO-MAC list.    To leave all the  LISTSERV lists
                  you belong to throughout the network, send the follow-
                  ing command to your nearest (or any) LISTSERV:
                       UNSUBSCRIBE * (NETWIDE
                  Use  this  option  if you  are  changing  your  e-mail
                  address or are  leaving your computer for  an extended
       List       Use this command to get a listing of available mailing
                  lists at a LISTSERV server.  The format of the command
                  List      < options >  < F= format >  < CLASS= class >
                  Where options may be any of the following:
                  Short  - This  option displays  a summary  of all  the
                  lists  managed by  a LISTSERV  in a  brief,  one  line
                  description. This is the default.
                  Long - The Long (or Detailed)  option will send a file
                  (called node-name LISTS)  to you  that contains a com-
                  prehensive  description  of  the lists  managed  by  a
                  LISTSERV server.
                  Detailed - This is a synonym for the Long option.
                  Global  <  pattern >  - This  option gives  a complete
                  list of all  known LISTSERV mailing lists  at all ser-
                  vers at the time the command is issued. A file (called
                  LISTSERV LISTS)   will be sent  to you  containing the
                  names,  titles  and e-mail  addresses of  these lists.
                  This is a very large file,   so make sure you have the
                  necessary disk  space  to accommodate its  size before
                  you use the Global option. The optional pattern param-
                  eter can be used to match any string in the list name,
                  list title or list address.  So if,  for example,  you
                  wanted details of all mailing lists related to chemis-
                  try, you could use the following command:
                       LIST GLOBAL CHEM
                  SUMmary  < node | ALL | TOTAL > - This option displays
                  the number of  lists managed by a  LISTSERV server and
                  the total number of users that are subscribed to them.
                  This will be given for the server to which the command
                  is sent or  for the LISTSERV at any node  given in the
                  optional node parameter.  Using the ALL parameter will
                  provide the same information but for all LISTSERV ser-
                  vers across the network.  The  output with this option
                  will be broken down on a  server by server basis.  The
                  TOTAL optional parameter  provides similar information
                  except that you  are only given an  overall summary of
                  the number  of mailing lists  and list members  at all
                  LISTSERVs and are not shown the figures from individu-
                  al servers.
       REView     Use this  command to  receive a  listing of  a mailing
                  list.  It will  be sent to you as a  file called list-
                  name LIST (or list-name node-name for peered lists). A
                  mailing list is comprised of two parts: a control sec-
                  tion and a subscription section.   The control section
                  holds  the  definition  parameters for  a  list  which
                  includes  information such  as  who  is authorized  to
                  review  or  join a  list  and  whether  or not  it  is
                  archived.  The  subscription section holds  the e-mail
                  addresses and names  of all list members.   The REView
                  command allows you  to receive a listing  of either or
                  both of these sections (the  default is both)  for any
                  list, provided you are authorized to do so.  Note that
                  at the  discretion of the  list owner(s),   the REView
                  command can be restricted in use to list members only.
                  In this case,  you will not  be authorized to review a
                  mailing list  if you  are not  a member  of that  list
                  yourself.  Also,  individual list members can restrict
                  the appearance  of their  e-mail address  and name  in
                  response  to a  REView command  if they  have set  the
                  CONCEAL mailing list  option (see the SET  command for
                  more details). The format of the command is:
                  REView    list-name  < ( >  < options >
                  Where list-name is  the name of the  LISTSERV list you
                  wish to review.  The options  follow the list name and
                  can be:
                  Short  - This  option  restricts  the information  you
                  receive to the  control section of a  list (giving its
                  definition parameters)   and does not return  the sub-
                  scription section of a list (giving the list members).
                  NOHeader -  This option is  the converse of  the Short
                  option.  You will receive the listing of list members,
                  but not the list's definition parameters.
                  Msg -  Use this option to  have LISTSERV send  you the
                  output of your REView  command as interactive messages
                  (that will  appear on your  screen)  rather than  in a
                  file.  Note that this option  is valid for EARN/BITNET
                  users only.
                  Countries - If you use this  option,  the list of mem-
                  bers will  be organized  by the  nationality given  in
                  their e-mail addresses.   This is similar to using the
                  BY  Country sort  option of  the  REView command  (see
                  LOCal - If the list is  peered (that is,  it is linked
                  to other mailing lists of the same name but on differ-
                  ent LISTSERV  servers),  you will receive  listings of
                  all of  these mailing  lists in  response to  a REView
                  command.  The LOCal option can be used to suppress the
                  propagation of the REView command to the LISTSERV ser-
                  vers hosting these peered mailing lists. In this case,
                  you will  receive a  listing only  from the  server to
                  which you send the REView  command and not the others.
                  For example:
                       REVIEW XMAILER LOCAL
                  BY  sort-fields -  This option  is used  to specify  a
                  presentation for the members of a list you are review-
                  ing.  The  sort-fields parameter indicates the  way in
                  which you want the list members  to be sorted.  If the
                  BY option is not given in  a REView command,  the list
                  members will be sorted by the computer node name given
                  in their e-mail addresses. This is equivalent to using
                  the  the NODEid  parameter  with  the BY  option  (see
                  below). The sort-fields can be:
                  Country - Sort  list members by the  country of origin
                  given in their e-mail addresses.
                  Name - Sort  list members by their  names (last,  then
                  first).   Note that this is not the e-mail address but
                  the full name that they  provided when they subscribed
                  to a list.
                  NODEid -  Sort list  members by  their computer  node.
                  That is,  the name that comes  after the '@' (at sign)
                  in their e-mail addresses.
                  Userid - Sort list members by their userids.  That is,
                  the name that comes before the '@' (at sign)  in their
                  e-mail addresses.
                  For example, if you wished to have the membership of a
                  mailing list presented to you sorted by their userids:
                       REVIEW XMAILER LOCAL BY USERID
                  Note that  more than one  sort field may  be specified
                  when using the BY option.  If  this is the case,  then
                  the sort fields given must  be enclosed in parentheses
                  and the optional parenthesis  that separates the list-
                  name from the options of  the REView command must also
                  be present  (although this will  not be  obligatory in
                  future releases of the LISTSERV server). The list mem-
                  bers will then be sorted on  all the given sort fields
                  (in order from  left to right).  For  example,  if you
                  wanted the  list members to  be sorted by  their coun-
                  tries and  then by their  names,  your  REView command
                  would have the following format:
                       REVIEW XMAILER (LOCAL BY (COUNTRY NAME)
       Query      When you join any mailing list, you will be assigned a
                  default set of  list options that control  such things
                  as way  you received mail  when it is  distributed and
                  the type of  notification LISTSERV will give  you when
                  it distributes mail you have sent to a list. These are
                  the personal list  options that may be  altered on any
                  mailing list to which you are subscribed to suite your
                  circumstances.   See the  SET command  for a  complete
                  descriptions of these options.   The Query command can
                  be used to  review the personal list  options you have
                  in effect at any mailing list. It has the format:
                  Query     list-name  |  *
                  where list-name is the name of a list to which you are
                  subscribed.  If  you use an '*'  (asterisk)  character
                  instead of a list name,   you will receive information
                  about your personal options for all lists to which you
                  belong at the LISTSERV to which you send the command.
       SET        Use the  SET command to  change your  personal options
                  for  a mailing  list.  These  options  will remain  in
                  effect until  they are explicitly changed.   The Query
                  command can be  used to display your  current optional
                  settings for any list to which you are subscribed. The
                  format of the SET command is:
                  SET       list-name  |  *   options
                  where list-name  is the name  of the mailing  list for
                  which you are  changing your options.  You  may change
                  your options for a specific list  or for all the lists
                  you belong  to at a  particular LISTSERV by  using the
                  '*' (asterisk)   character in  place of  a list  name.
                  After processing your SET command,  LISTSERV will send
                  you conformation of the  successful alteration of your
                  mailing list options via e-mail.    Note that only the
                  options  you specify  with  this  command are  altered
                  while the rest remain unchanged. The options are:
                  Mail | DIGests | INDex | NOMail - These options of the
                  SET command  alter the way  in which you  receive mail
                  from a mailing  list.  The Mail option  means that you
                  wish to  have list  mail distributed  to you  as mail.
                  This is the default. The DIGests and INDex options are
                  available  only  if  a list  has  had  these  features
                  enabled by  its owner(s).  Digests  hold all  the mail
                  messages sent to a list over a certain period of time.
                  Instead of receiving  each mail individually as  it is
                  distributed to list members,  you will receive all the
                  mail in one batch for a given day, week or month.  You
                  may then  browse through these  mail messages  at your
                  leisure.    Note that  mail  is  not edited  with  the
                  DIGests option,   you will receive  copies of  all the
                  mail messages in their entirety. The INDex option will
                  provide you with only the date, time, subject,  number
                  of lines  and the  sender's name  and address  for all
                  mail messages  sent to a list.   The text of  the mail
                  message will not be included.  You may then select and
                  retrieve any  mail that  interests you  from the  list
                  archive (see  the chapter LISTSERV  DATABASE Functions
                  for more  information on  how to  do this).   Both the
                  DIGests and INDex options provide a means of listening
                  in to discussions  on mailing lists without  having to
                  deal with large quantities  of incoming mail messages.
                  The NOMail  option means  that mail  sent to  the list
                  will not be distributed to  you.   This is useful when
                  you are leaving  your computer for an  extended period
                  of time and you do not want mail from the list to fill
                  your mailbox.   When you return,  you can send the SET
                  command with the MAIL option  to restore mail service.
                  For example,  if you want  to stop receiving mail from
                  all the lists at SEARN to  which you belong,  send the
                  following command to LISTSERV at SEARN:
                       SET * NOMAIL
                  Files |  NOFiles - Mailing lists  may be used  to dis-
                  tribute files that have been sent to them via NJE file
                  transfer.  This  is the file  transfer system  used by
                  users on EARN/BITNET network. Note that is it not pos-
                  sible to send  files to a mailing list via  FTP or the
                  file transfer systems of any other networks. Transfer-
                  ring a  file to a mailing  list can be used  when your
                  computer does not have a mail system installed (so you
                  cannot send e-mail) or for sending executable files to
                  mailing lists. When a file is transferred to a mailing
                  list,  LISTSERV will distribute it to EARN/BITNET list
                  members in the same format  in which it was originally
                  sent and to non-EARN/BITNET  list members,  as e-mail.
                  This option of  the SET command allows  you to specify
                  whether or  you want  to receive  any files  that were
                  sent to  a mailing  list via  NJE file  transfer.  The
                  default is Files.
                  ACK |  MSGAck |  NOACK -  This indicates  the kind  of
                  acknowledgement you  want to  receive from  a LISTSERV
                  server when it distributes any mail you have sent to a
                  list.  ACK means that you want  to receive a mail mes-
                  sage from  LISTSERV indicating  that your  message was
                  successfully distributed.  MSGAck means  that you want
                  this confirmation via interactive messages rather than
                  by e-mail. NOACK specifies that you want just a short,
                  one line interactive message from LISTSERV.  Note that
                  MSGAck and NOACK acknowledgments are  not sent to non-
                  EARN/BITNET  users.  The  default for  this option  is
                  determined by the owner(s) of a list.
                  REPro | NOREPro  - Indicates whether or  not you your-
                  self want to receive a copy of any mail which you send
                  to a list.   The default is NOREPro, meaning that mail
                  which you  send to a list  will be distributed  to all
                  members of the list except  you.  For example,  if you
                  want to get  a copy of your own mail  messages sent to
                  list EARN-UG at IRLEARN, send the following command to
                  LISTSERV at IRLEARN:
                       SET EARN-UG REPRO
                  SHORThdr | FULLhdr | IETFhdr | DUALhdr - All mail mes-
                  sages are comprised of header  and body sections.  The
                  header section  provides details  such as  the recipi-
                  ents, the original sender and the date ant time a mail
                  message was sent.  The mail  body section contains the
                  text of a mail message.  These options of the SET com-
                  mand indicate  the type  of mail  headers you  want to
                  receive in the  mail distributed from a  mailing list.
                  SHORThdr means that the mail  header will include only
                  the essential informational headers  (for instance the
                  Date:, To:,  From:,  Subject:,  Sender:  and Reply-to:
                  headers). This is the default.  You may change this to
                  FULLhdr,   which   means  that  all   (including  non-
                  essential) mail headers will be present in e-mail. The
                  IETFhdr option means that LISTSERV will not change the
                  headers of a mail message  it distributes to you other
                  than  to add  a  Received:  mail  header  (and also  a
                  Message-id:  and  Sender:  headers if either  of these
                  were not  already present).   This option  is designed
                  specifically for compatibility with SMTP exploders (as
                  used, for instance, on the Internet network).  Lastly,
                  DUALhdr is very similar to  the SHORThdr option except
                  that LISTSERV  will also  insert mail  headers at  the
                  beginning of the mail body.  Therefore,  when the mail
                  is received and read by a recipient using this option,
                  it will start with this information (for instance, the
                  first three  lines of a  mail message may  contain the
                  To:, From: and Subject: mail headers).  This option is
                  useful for users  of some PC based  mail packages that
                  will not display  this information from the  real mail
                  CONCEAL |  NOCONCEAL -  Indicates whether  or not  you
                  want your name and mail address  to appear in the dis-
                  play of list  members which is given in  response to a
                  REView command. The default is NOCONCEAL.  Note that a
                  complete list of members is  always given to list own-
                  ers  and LISTSERV  administrators  regardless of  this
                  TOPICS:  <  + | - >   topic-names - A mailing  list to
                  which you are subscribed may support the separation of
                  its mail  into a set of  topics.  If a list  owner has
                  defined a variety of different discussion topics for a
                  list,  you may use the TOPICS:  option to select those
                  that are  of interest to  you and exclude  all others.
                  You will then receive only  those mail messages posted
                  to the list that relate to  the one or more topics you
                  have chosen.  If you do not select any topics for such
                  a list,  you  will receive all the e-mail  sent to it.
                  Note that you must have the  MAIL option enabled for a
                  mailing  list before  you  can  then use  the  TOPICS:
                  option since the DIGests and INDex options to not sup-
                  port topic selection  and the NOMail option  will stop
                  all mail  from a  list being  sent to  you (see  these
                  options  of the  SET  command  for more  information).
                  Additionally,  a  list owner  must have  enabled topic
                  support for a mailing list before  you can use the SET
                  TOPICS:  command on that list.  This is done at a list
                  owner's discretion.  You may use the REView command to
                  determine if topics have been  enabled on any particu-
                  lar mailing list.
                  A mailing  list may have  up to eleven  topics defined
                  for it.  You may select one or more of these topics by
                  including their  names in  the topic-names  parameter.
                  For example, if a mailing list called NUCHEM-L had the
                  topics neutron, proton and electron defined, you could
                  send the command:
                       SET NUCHEM-L TOPICS: NEUTRON PROTON
                  to receive list  mail related to only  the neutron and
                  proton topics.   Once you  have subscribed  to various
                  topics, they may be changed by using the '+' (add)  or
                  '-' (minus) symbols to increase or decrease the topics
                  you wish to receive from a mailing list.  This is use-
                  ful when you do not want to retype a long list of top-
                  ic names with the TOPICS: option.  For example, to add
                  the topic electron  and remove the topic  neutron from
                  the NUCHEM-L list:
                       SET NUCHEM-L TOPICS: +ELECTRON -NEUTRON
                  You would  now be subscribed  to the topics  of proton
                  and electron for the NUCHEM-L mailing list.  Note that
                  you can review the topics  which you have selected for
                  any mailing list  through the Query command.   You may
                  also use the  special topic name of ALL  to select all
                  the topics available on a mailing list. This is useful
                  when used in conjunction with  the '-' (minus)  symbol
                  to select all  but a few of the topics  available on a
                  mailing list. For example, to subscribe to every topic
                  except neutron on the NUCHEM-L list, you could use the
                       SET NUCHEM-L TOPICS: ALL -NEUTRON
                  To send mail to one or  more topics defined on mailing
                  list,  the topic names must be present in the Subject:
                  mail header when the mail is posted.  If more than one
                  topic name is given, they must be separated by commas.
                  The topic names section should then be finished with a
                  ':' (semi-colon),  after which  the normal contents of
                  the Subject mail header can  be entered.  For example,
                  to send mail to the users subscribed to the proton and
                  electron topics  on the  NUCHEM-L list,   the Subject:
                  mail header would look like this:
                  Subject: proton,electron: Hydrogen Nucleus Results.
                  You may also use the topic name of ALL to send mail to
                  all of the available topics on a mailing list. If top-
                  ic names  were incorrect or  were not included  in the
                  Subject: mail header, then this mail is distributed to
                  the special  topic name of  OTHER.  You may  also sub-
                  scribe to this topic to  receive mail that is distrib-
                  uted under this  topic name (note that  a subscription
                  to the topic ALL will  receive mail distributed to the
                  topic OTHER).
       CONFIRM    Use the CONFIRM command to  renew your subscription to
                  a list. Some mailing lists require subscription renew-
                  al at regular intervals (usually once a year).  A mail
                  message is automatically sent to list members indicat-
                  ing that  they must  send a  CONFIRM command  within a
                  given number of days or they  will be removed from the
                  list.  This command must be  sent from the same e-mail
                  address that  received the  confirmation notice.   The
                  syntax of the CONFIRM command is:
                  CONFIRM   list-name
                  where list-name  is the  name of  the mailing  list to
                  which you are confirming  your subscription.  LISTSERV
                  will send  a message that  your subscription  has been
                  confirmed.  For example, if you receive a message from
                  LISTSERV at  IRLEARN to  confirm your  subscription to
                  the EARN-UG list,  then send  the following command to
                  that server:
                       CONFIRM EARN-UG
       STats      This command  will cause  a statistical  report for  a
                  specific mailing list to be  sent to you.  Note,  how-
                  ever,  that statistics  may not be collected  for some
                  lists or they may not  be available to everybody.  The
                  format of the command is:
                  STats     list-name   < (LOCal  >  <  F=  format >
                            < CLASS= class >
                  where list-name is the name of  the list for which you
                  are requesting  statistics.  The (LOCal option  can be
                  used to indicate that only local statistics are wanted
                  and not  the statistics  from other  LISTSERVs if  the
                  list happens  to be peered.  You  will be sent  a file
                  (called  list-name STATREP)   containing the  relevant
                  statistics.  It will give details  such as the name or
                  address and  number of mail  messages each  sender has
                  posted to the  list and the network  load (in hundreds
                  of bytes)   that the list  contributes to  the network
       REGister   The REGister command can be used to register your full
                  name at  any LISTSERV server  (note that this  is your
                  name and not your e-mail address).  Once you have reg-
                  istered your name at a LISTSERV, that server will then
                  always refer to you with that name (unless you provide
                  a name in  a mailing list subscription  request).  The
                  command has the format:
                  REGister  full-name  |  OFF
                  Where full-name is your name.   For example,  the com-
                       REGISTER Mark A. Taylor
                  sent to any LISTSERV will  cause that server to always
                  refer to you with the given name.  This can be removed
                  by using the OFF option.
                        LISTSERV FILE SERVER Functions
       LISTSERV also functions as a file server.  That is,  files can be
       stored at a  LISTSERV server and made available  for retrieval by
       users upon  their request.   These files  are stored  in LISTSERV
       under a hierarchical system of filelists. As the name suggests, a
       filelist is a special file that holds a list of files. Each entry
       in a  filelist describes a file  that is available  for retrieval
       and gives  details such as  the file's name  and size and  also a
       file's access code (also known as  a FAC)  which describes who is
       authorized to retrieve  it.  These files may  themselves be file-
       lists,  in which case they too will hold information about avail-
       able files  or further  filelists.  In  this way,   filelists are
       organized in a hierarchical or tree structure.
       There are two basic types of  filelists on LISTSERV servers.  The
       first type holds  files that have been  specifically placed there
       by file  owners or LISTSERV  administrators.  These files  may be
       documents, maps or diagrams, or even programs. The second type of
       filelist is associated  with a LISTSERV mailing  list.  These are
       referred to  as list  filelists and retain  copies of  all e-mail
       distributed  on a  particular mailing  list.  They  consist of  a
       series of files,  each of which holds a copy of the mail messages
       distributed on  a list  over an interval  of time  (usually,  one
       month).  These  files may then be  retrieved to recover  any list
       mail distributed during a specific period.  Note that e-mail dis-
       tributed on a mailing list may also be retrieved via the database
       functions of LISTSERV (see the  LISTSERV DATABASE Functions chap-
       ter for more details).  Not all  mailing lists have an associated
       list filelist, this is enabled at a list owner's discretion.
       A further aspect of the file  server functions of LISTSERV is the
       concept of packages. A package consists of one or more files that
       appear in a  filelist.  These may be,  for example,   a series of
       files  that go  to  make up  a software  package.   A package  is
       declared in a LISTSERV filelist through  a file that has the spe-
       cial name of package-name $PACKAGE.  Within  it will be a list of
       all  the files  that  comprise the  package.   This  list can  be
       reviewed by sending a retrieval  request for that file.  However,
       all the  files that  comprise the package  may also  be retrieved
       through a request for the file:  package-name PACKAGE.  Note that
       in this case,  the '$' (dollar)  symbol is dropped from the name.
       The files that go to make  up the package will then automatically
       be sent  to the  requestor.  This  enables users  to retrieve  an
       entire set of files  that belong to a package with  only one com-
       mand, instead of having to retrieve each of these files individu-
       ally through a series of commands.
       Here is a sample filelist:
       * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
       *  The GET/PUT authorization codes shown with each file entry describe
       *  who is authorized to GET or PUT the file:
       *     ALL = Everybody
       *     LMC = LISTSERV Master Coordinators
       *     PRV = Private, ie list members
       *     OWN = List owners
       *:    DAV = 'DAVID@UKACRL'      /* David Boon - Author              */
       * ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
       *                             rec               last - change
       * filename filetype   GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs   date     time   Info ..
       * -------- --------   --- --- --- ----- ----- -------- -------- ------
         LISTFILE MEMO       ALL LMC V      72   609 92/01/31 14:10:27 File ..
         PASCAL-L FILELIST   PRV OWN V      72    49 93/02/15 19:03:45 Pascal.
         PROGRAM  $PACKAGE   ALL DAV V      80    25 90/11/06 11:29:23 Packag.
       Comment lines begin with an '*' (asterisk) character and are used
       to provide  introductory and explanatory  text for  the filelist.
       The most important  comments are those explaining  the FACs (File
       Access Codes)  in the section entitled 'The GET/PUT authorization
       codes  shown ...'.    These FACs  are used  against the  document
       entries at the bottom of the filelist. In this example, the first
       four FACs are generic in that they do not refer to specific user-
       ids but rather to special groups  of predetermined users.  All of
       the FACs specify  who is authorized to issue  GET (retrieve)  and
       PUT (store)  commands for each  document.  The LISTFILE MEMO file
       entry shows that everybody (ALL)  is authorized to GET this docu-
       ment while  only users who  have been designated  LISTSERV Master
       Coordinators (LMC)  are  allowed to store it.   The filelist also
       shows that  this document contains 609  lines,  each of up  to 72
       characters in length.
       The PASCAL-L FILELIST entry refers to a sub-filelist.  You may go
       on to retrieve  this filelist to investigate what  files are held
       in it. In this case, it is a list filelist and is associated with
       the PASCAL-L  mailing list.  It would  contain a series  of files
       that hold  a copy of  all the  mail messages distributed  on that
       list, each one covering a certain period in time. The GET and PUT
       FACs specify that only list members  (PRV)  and list owners (OWN)
       may retrieve or store this filelist, respectively.
       The final  document entry  is for  a package  called PROGRAM  (as
       denoted by the file type of  $PACKAGE).  This file will contain a
       list of other files in the SAMPLE FILELIST (not shown here)  that
       go to make up the PROGRAM  package.  Its FAC shows that everybody
       (ALL)  is  allowed to retrieve this  package but only  David Boon
       (DAV, the program's author) can store it.
       Locating LISTSERV Filelists
       The list  filelists that are  associated with a  LISTSERV mailing
       list will be located at the server managing that list. If you are
       searching for this type of filelist,   it will be at the LISTSERV
       located  at the  same  node that  appears  in  the list's  e-mail
       address.  For example,  the BITFTP mailing list is located at the
       node EARNCC  and has an  e-mail address of  BITFTP-L@EARNCC.  Its
       filelist will therefore be located at the LISTSERV server at node
       EARNCC.  All list  filelists will also have the same  name as the
       mailing list with which they  are associated.  Consequently,  the
       above filelist will have the name BITFTP-L FILELIST.
       There are no  rules governing the location of files  that are not
       in list filelists.  Unless you already  know the whereabouts of a
       file, you will have to search for it. However, all LISTSERV file-
       lists are  organized from a common  starting point.  The  top (or
       root) filelist is always called LISTSERV FILELIST and this can be
       retrieved to determine what files  or sub-filelists are available
       from any particular LISTSERV.  This filelist can therefore be the
       point of departure when searching for any file at a LISTSERV ser-
       ver.  Some other standard filelists  (which always appear as sub-
       filelist entries in the LISTSERV  FILELIST)  include the INFO and
       TOOLS filelists.   These hold  LISTSERV's help  and informational
       files and a standard set of software tools,  respectively.  Other
       files or filelists may also be  present in the LISTSERV FILELIST,
       which you may then  go on to investigate.  Note that  it is usual
       that files  of a common  nature are  stored together in  a single
       filelist whose name describes its contents.  The information held
       in each filelist (listing its  available files and sub-filelists)
       may be obtained through the use  of the INDex command.  For exam-
       ple,  to retrieve  the LISTSERV FILELIST from  LISTSERV at EARNCC
       and look at the entries it holds, the following command should be
       sent to that server:
            INDEX LISTSERV
       Commands for FILE SERVER Functions
       The following LISTSERV  commands enable general users  to manipu-
       late files that are stored at a server. This includes commands to
       search for,  retrieve and subscribe  to files.  When sending file
       server commands to LISTSERV,  you must address them to the server
       and not  to any mailing lists.   Note that where the  PW= keyword
       appears in a command description,  this  need only be included in
       the command text  if you have defined a personal  password at the
       server to which you are sending file server commands.  Otherwise,
       it need not be used.  The optional F= and CLASS= command keywords
       may included  as desired (see  the section LISTSERV  Command Key-
       words for more information).
       |                                                               |
       |  INDex      Receive a listing of a filelist                   |
       |                                                               |
       |  GET        Retrieve a file from LISTSERV                     |
       |                                                               |
       |  SENDME     A synonym for the GET command                     |
       |                                                               |
       |  AFD        Receive a  new copy of a  file every time  it is  |
       |             updated                                           |
       |                                                               |
       |  FUI        Receive notification of file updates              |
       |                                                               |
       |  Query File Receive information on a file                     |
       |                                                               |
       |  GIVE       Have LISTSERV send a file to another user         |
       |                                                               |
       |  PW         Manipulate your personal password                 |
       |                                                               |
       INDex     Use the INDex command to get  a listing of the files in
                 a particular filelist. The format of the command is:
                 INDex    < filelist >  < F=  format >  < CLASS= class >
                 Where filelist specifies  the name of the  filelist you
                 wish to get.  If no name is specified,  an index of the
                 root filelist (called LISTSERV  FILELIST)  will be sent
                 to you.  For example,  to get a listing of the files in
                 the DOC FILELIST, the command:
                      INDEX DOC
                 should be  sent to  the LISTSERV  at node  EARNCC where
                 this filelist is located.  Note  that the above command
                 is the same as issuing a GET DOC FILELIST command.
       GET       The GET (or SENDME)  command is used to retrieve a spe-
                 cific file or package from a filelist, provided you are
                 authorized to do so. It has the format:
                 GET     filename  filetype  < filelist >  < F= format >
                         < CLASS= class >
                 Where the  filename and filetype  identify the  file or
                 package you  wish to  retrieve.  The  optional filelist
                 parameter identifies the filelist within which the file
                 or package resides.  If it is  not supplied in the com-
                 mand,  LISTSERV  will determine the filelist  through a
                 search of its own internal filelist index. For example,
                 to  retrieve all  the files  that make  up the  PROGRAM
                 package in the SAMPLE FILELIST (and which are listed in
                 the PROGRAM $PACKAGE file), send the command:
                      GET PROGRAM PACKAGE SAMPLE
       AFD       AFD is an acronym for Automatic File Distribution. This
                 command enables you  to subscribe to a  file or package
                 in  a filelist.   Every time  this file  or package  is
                 updated in its filelist, you will then automatically be
                 sent of copy of it by the LISTSERV server. You may sub-
                 scribe to  any number  of files  for packages  from any
                 filelist with the AFD command.   You may also review or
                 delete your subscriptions at  any LISTSERV server.  The
                 command has the following format:
                 AFD       options
                 Where options must be one of the following:
                 ADD - The ADD (or REP)   option allows you to subscribe
                 to a  file or  package.  This  means that  a copy  will
                 henceforth  be sent  to you  automatically by  LISTSERV
                 when it is updated on its filelist.  The ADD option has
                 the following format:
                 ADD   filename  filetype  < filelist >  < text >
                       < PW= password >  < F= format >  < CLASS= class >
                 Where filename and filetype identify  a file or package
                 to which  you want to  subscribe.  The  filelist option
                 allows you to specify the name of the filelist in which
                 it is located.    If this is not specified  in the com-
                 mand,   LISTSERV will  locate  the  filelist through  a
                 search of its own internal filelist index. Also, if you
                 wish  to have  an informational  text message  inserted
                 automatically at the top of the file or package when it
                 is sent to you,  you may  use the text parameter.  Note
                 that if you omit the filelist option, the text you pro-
                 vide in the  text parameter must be  enclosed in double
                 quotes. This parameter is most commonly used by network
                 server  applications  that  subscribe  to  files  at  a
                 LISTSERV on behalf of users.  If you are subscribing to
                 files directly from LISTSERV  yourself,  you should not
                 need to use this option.  For example, if you wanted to
                 subscribe  to the  file  LISTFILE  MEMO in  the  SAMPLE
                 FILELIST,   you would  send  the  following command  to
                      AFD ADD LISTFILE MEMO SAMPLE
                 If you wanted  the text "New memo  update." inserted at
                 the top of the file before it is sent to you,  the com-
                 mand would take either of the following formats:
                      AFD ADD LISTFILE MEMO SAMPLE New memo update.
                      AFD ADD LISTFILE MEMO "New memo update."
                 REP - This is a synonym for the ADD option.
                 DELete - Remove your subscription  to a file or package
                 for which you  have an AFD.  The DELete  option has the
                 following format:
                 DELete    filename  filetype  < filelist >
                           < PW= password >
                 Where filename and filetype identify  a file or package
                 to which  you wish to remove  an AFD.  These  names may
                 also include the '*'  (asterisk)  wildcard character so
                 that multiple files or packages may be removed with one
                 DELete command. The filelist option allows you to spec-
                 ify the  name of the filelist  in which it  is located.
                 If this is not specified in the command,  LISTSERV will
                 locate the filelist through a  search of its own inter-
                 nal filelist index.
                 List - The  List (or Query)  option shows  the files or
                 packages to  which you  are currently  subscribed at  a
                 LISTSERV. The List option has the following format:
                 List      < (FORMAT >
                 A list of your current  AFDs at the LISTSERV processing
                 this command will  be sent to you.  If  you include the
                 (FORMAT option,  then the file format to be used when a
                 file or package is sent to you will also be displayed.
                 Query - This is a synonym for the List option.
       FUI       This command is an acronym for File Update Information.
                 It enables you  to subscribe to a file or  package in a
                 filelist.  Every time this file  for package is updated
                 in  its  filelist,   you  will  then  automatically  be
                 informed of this by the LISTSERV server.   This command
                 is similar to the AFD command,  except you will only be
                 sent notification of an update  rather than the updated
                 file or package itself. You may subscribe to any number
                 of files  for packages from  any filelist with  the FUI
                 command.  You may also review  or delete your subscrip-
                 tions at any LISTSERV server. It has the following for-
                 FUI       options
                 Where options must be one of the following:
                 ADD - The ADD (or REP)   option allows you to subscribe
                 to a file or package by adding an FUI to it. It has the
                 following format:
                 ADD       filename  filetype  < filelist >
                           < PW= password >
                 Where filename and filetype identify  a file or package
                 to which you want to add an FUI subscription. The file-
                 list option allows you to specify the name of the file-
                 list in which  it is located.  If this is  not given in
                 the command,  LISTSERV will locate the filelist through
                 a search of its own internal filelist index.  For exam-
                 ple,  if you  wanted to subscribe to  the file LISTFILE
                 MEMO in the SAMPLE FILELIST, you would send the follow-
                 ing command to LISTSERV:
                      FUI ADD LISTSERV MEMO SAMPLE
                 REP - This is a synonym for the ADD option.
                 DELete - Remove your subscription  from a file or pack-
                 age for which  you have an FUI.  The  DELete option has
                 the following format:
                 DELete    filename  filetype  < filelist >
                           < PW= password >
                 Where filename and filetype identify  a file or package
                 to which you want to delete an FUI. The filelist option
                 allows you to specify the name of the filelist in which
                 it is located. If this is not specified in the command,
                 LISTSERV will locate  the filelist through a  search of
                 its own internal filelist index.
                 List - The  List (or Query)  option shows  the files or
                 packages for which you currently  have an FUI subscrip-
                 tion at a LISTSERV server.
                 Query - This is a synonym for the List option.
       Query File
                 This command can  be used to get  update information on
                 various files.  It has the format:
                 Query File filename  filetype  < filelist >  < (FLags >
                 Update information about the  file or package specified
                 in the filename and filetype  parameters will be given.
                 Optionally,  you  may include  a filelist  name in  the
                 filelist  parameter.  If it  is omitted,  LISTSERV will
                 locate the filelist through a  search of its own inter-
                 nal filelist  index.  You may  also specify  the (FLags
                 option to  display additional technical data  about the
                 file (which  can be useful  when reporting  problems to
                 LISTSERV administrators).
       GIVE      This command can be used to have a LISTSERV server send
                 a file or package (that  you are authorized to retrieve
                 via a GET command) to an e-mail address other than your
                 own. It has the format:
                 GIVE      filename   filetype  <  filelist  >   < TO >
                           userid@node  < F= format >  < CLASS= class >
                 Where the  filename and filetype  identify the  file or
                 package which you  wish LISTSERV to send  to the speci-
                 fied address.  The optional  filelist parameter identi-
                 fies the filelist  within which the file  or package is
                 held.  If it is not  supplied in the command,  LISTSERV
                 will determine the filelist through a search of its own
                 internal filelist index.  The  userid@node parameter is
                 required and gives  the e-mail address of  the intended
                 recipient.  For  example,  the following  command would
                 direct LISTSERV  send the  LISTFILE MEMO  document from
                 the SAMPLE  FILELIST to  the user  JACQUES at  the node
       PW        The PW command enables you to  add,  change or delete a
                 personal password  on any LISTSERV server.   A personal
                 password is designed to give you added command security
                 on a  LISTSERV since it  helps prevent  impostors using
                 your e-mail address.  The use  of personal passwords is
                 strongly encouraged for this reason.  Every server will
                 accept a password registration request  from you at any
                 time.  Passwords are comprised of one to eight alphanu-
                 meric characters.  You may change  or delete your pass-
                 word at  any time.  If you  forget a password  you have
                 registered at  any LISTSERV server,  contact  that ser-
                 ver's postmaster (whose e-mail address  is given in the
                 RELEASE  command;    see  the   section  Commands   for
                 INFORMATION). The format of the PW command is:
                 PW        options
                 Where options must be one of the following:
                 ADD - Add a new personal  password on the LISTSERV pro-
                 cessing your command. The ADD option has the format:
                 ADD       new-password
                 Once you have registered a  password on a LISTSERV ser-
                 ver, you will be obliged to use the PW= command keyword
                 in the commands where it appears as an option.
                 CHange -  Change your personal  password on  a LISTSERV
                 server where you already have one. It has the format:
                 CHange    old-password   new-password
                           new-password   PW=  old-password
                 DELete - Remove your personal  password from a LISTSERV
                 where you already have one.   The DELete option has the
                 DELete    old-password
                 Once you have  removed a password from  a LISTSERV ser-
                 ver,  you will no longer be obliged to use the PW= com-
                 mand keyword  in the  commands where  it appears  as an
                          LISTSERV DATABASE Functions
       LISTSERV provides  the facility  for users  to retrieve  old mail
       that has been distributed on mailing lists. Each mailing list has
       an associated database  (called a notebook or  list archive data-
       base)  in which list mail is stored.  Note that databases may not
       be maintained for every mailing list, this is done at the discre-
       tion of a list owner. The notebook databases are the most common-
       ly used of the LISTSERV databases. However, every LISTSERV server
       also has a database of all the EARN/BITNET computer nodes (called
       the BITEARN database).   This is available to all LISTSERV users.
       The backbone   LISTSERV servers also have  a database of  all the
       LISTSERV computer nodes (called the PEERS database).  In addition
       to these databases, a LISTSERV server may have any number of dif-
       ferent databases that have been created locally.
       DATABASE Keywords
       The documents in a database all  have specific attributes in com-
       mon.   These attributes  are exploited by defining a  set of key-
       words for that database.  A database  keyword is something like a
       luggage tag that is attached to each document in a database.  Any
       number of tags may be attached to a document, each one containing
       information about that document (for  example,  the date and time
       it was  stored in the  database or  the author's name  and e-mail
       address). These keywords can then be used when searching for doc-
       uments,  or the  information they contain may  be displayed.  The
       keywords used by each database may differ,  but there are certain
       keywords common to  all of the databases  maintained by LISTSERV.
       These are:
       DATABASE    The name of a database (one to eight characters)
       DATE        The date of the document's entry into a database
       TIME        The time of the document's entry into a database
       #RECS       The number of lines in a document
       #           The document number in a database
       Notebook Database Keywords
       The most  common of  the LISTSERV databases  are the  notebook or
       list archive  databases.  Each of  these databases  is associated
       with a  mailing list and  holds copies  of all the  mail messages
       distributed on that list.  These notebook databases have the fol-
       lowing additional keywords  available for use when  searching for
       or displaying information from a document:
       Subject   Set to the  contents of the Subject:  mail  header in a
                 mail message.
       SEnder    Set to the e-mail address of  the sender of a mail mes-
       The notebook databases also support the division of each document
       into predefined  segments or  sections.  The  keywords associated
       with each  document section  can be  used to  display information
       from either or both of these sections. They are:
       Header        The section of the document that contains the head-
                     ers of a mail message (which include,  for example,
                     the From: and To: mail headers).
       Body | Text   The section of the document  that contains the text
                     of a mail message.
       All           Both the Header and Body  sections of mail message.
                     This is default.
       Note that  not all  databases have  the same  additional keywords
       available for use, nor are all documents split into sections.  To
       be able  to use keywords effectively  when searching for  or dis-
       playing information from documents, you should know what keywords
       and document sections are available for each different database.
       Each LISTSERV maintains its own  independent set of databases and
       it will  be necessary  for you  to first  locate the  server that
       holds the database that interests you. To determine what databas-
       es are available at a LISTSERV server, use either the DATABASE or
       DBase command. LISTSERV will return the names of all the databas-
       es it maintains along with a brief, one line description of each.
       The command format is:
       DataBase  LIST
       When you  are searching  for the notebook  database of  a mailing
       list,  it will always be located at the LISTSERV server that man-
       ages that mailing list.  Therefore, the address of a mailing list
       (for example,  IBMPC-L@CEARN)  shows which LISTSERV will maintain
       that list's  notebook database (in  this case,  LISTSERV  at node
       CEARN).  Once you have located a database you wish to search, you
       may access it  either through a batch or  an interactive database
       Batch DATABASE Access
       Users from  any network that can  reach the LISTSERV  servers may
       send database  commands to a  server through the  batch facility.
       Users on the  EARN/BITNET network where the  LISTSERV servers are
       located  may also  use  the  interactive database  facility  (see
       below).   The batch  facility entails sending e-mail  to a server
       that contains a database job.  Note  that e-mail should,  in this
       case, be sent to the LISTSERV server where you want the job to be
       executed and not addressed to any  mailing lists.  A database job
       consists of a number of database commands that are formatted in a
       special way. These commands go into the body of the mail (one per
       line)  and are executed sequentially by LISTSERV.  Note also that
       LISTSERV will ignore the contents of the mail's Subject:  header,
       so ensure the commands are in the  body of the mail message.  The
       results of  these commands will be  returned to you by  mail once
       all the commands have been executed. If the database job contains
       unknown commands or syntax errors, these will be ignored and pro-
       cessing will continue with the next command in sequence. However,
       if the error count passes a certain threshold,  processing of the
       database job will be stopped  and any remaining commands ignored.
       LISTSERV will notify you of any  errors that are encountered in a
       database job.  The following sample format  of a database job can
       be used for any database commands:
                      // JOB
                      DATABASE SEARCH DD=RULES
                      //RULES DD *
                      // EOJ
       In the above example,  the first line starts the database job and
       any line before  this will be ignored (as will  blank lines found
       anywhere in the mail message).  The next line specifies that this
       is a database  job and gives the  name of the section  that holds
       the database commands (this comes after the DD= keyword).  In the
       example, the command section is called RULES, but any name of any
       length can be used instead.  Following this,  the command section
       starts, signaled by its name and the DD * string. From this point
       until the  line that  ends the  command section,   any number  of
       LISTSERV database  commands may be  entered.  The last  two lines
       signal the end of the command section and the end of the database
       job,  respectively.  If any lines of text are found in the e-mail
       after the line that finishes a  database job,  LISTSERV will exe-
       cute these  as non-database  LISTSERV commands  (see the  section
       Sending Commands to  LISTSERV).  This commonly occurs  by mistake
       when signatures are  automatically put in to a  mail message when
       it is sent. If you wish to avoid this and the accompanying inval-
       id command notification  that LISTSERV will send  to you,  ensure
       that such features  of your mailing system are  disabled prior to
       sending database jobs to LISTSERV servers.  For example,  a data-
       base job to  search for Mathematical Institutions  in the BITEARN
       database would be:
                      // JOB
                      DATABASE SEARCH DD=FINDMATH
                      //FINDMATH DD *
                      SEARCH MATH IN BITEARN
                      // EOJ
       Where the  commands that  will be executed  are SEARCH  and INDEX
       (these commands are explained in  detail in the DATABASE Commands
       section).  After having posted this  database job to any LISTSERV
       (since the  BITEARN database  is resident at  all of  them),  you
       would expect to receive a response similar to the following:
                      > SEARCH MATH IN BITEARN
                      --> Database BITEARN, 47 hits.
                      > INDEX
                      Ref# Conn  Nodeid   Site
                      ---- ----  ------   ----
                      0156 85/08 BENGUS   Ben-Gurion University Math...
       For more information on batch access to LISTSERV databases,  send
       the command GET  LISTDB MEMO to your nearest  (or any)  LISTSERV.
       For  more information  on the  Command Job  Language of  LISTSERV
       (used to construct database jobs),   send the command GET LISTJOB
       MEMO to your nearest (or any) LISTSERV.
       Interactive DATABASE Access
       As well as using batch access to LISTSERV databases,  EARN/BITNET
       users that  work on VM/CMS or  VAX/VMS systems can use  a special
       user interface program (called  LDBASE)  for interactive database
       access. That is, they have the ability to open a database session
       with a  LISTSERV server during  which commands and  their results
       are passed between  the user and the server by  means of interac-
       tive messages.  The  LDBASE interface is the  client program that
       establishes and controls an  interactive database session between
       the user and  a LISTSERV server.  If this program  is not already
       available at  your site,  it can  be retrieved from  any LISTSERV
       server.   For VM/CMS users,  send  the following commands to your
       nearest LISTSERV:
            TELL LISTSERV AT node-name GET LDBASE EXEC
       where node-name is the location of your nearest (or any) LISTSERV
       server.  The LDBASE command will be ready  for use as soon as you
       receive these two files onto a minidisk.
       For VAX/VMS  users,  send the  following command to  your nearest
            $ SEND LISTSERV@node-name GET LDBASE.COM
       where node-name is the location of your nearest (or any) LISTSERV
       server.  The command to install the LDBASE program in your direc-
       tory is:
            $ @LDBASE
       For VM/CMS and VAX/VMS systems,  these two programs have the same
       function:  once an interactive session is requested, they attempt
       to establish  a network  connection to  the LISTSERV  holding the
       databases you wish to access. The format of the command is:
       LDBASE    < node-name >
       Where node-name  specifies the  location of  the LISTSERV  server
       with which you wish to commence an interactive session. The first
       time you use this command without specifying the node-name param-
       eter, you will be asked to supply a node name you wish to have as
       your default node.  From then on,  omitting a node name with this
       command will automatically  give you a session  with the LISTSERV
       server at the  location you have given.  Otherwise,   you will be
       given an  interactive session  with the  LISTSERV located  at the
       node you  specified with  the command.   The LDBASE  command will
       inform  you when  an interactive  session  has been  successfully
       established. From this point, you may enter and re-enter any num-
       ber of database commands until you terminate the session with the
       QUIT command.
       Some database commands can result in large amounts of output (for
       example the Print command).  To  reduce the amount of information
       passed  over  the network  by  such  commands,  output  has  been
       restricted  in the  following way:   if you  have established  an
       interactive database session  with a LISTSERV server  that is not
       located on the same computer as you, command output is limited to
       the first thirty lines. You will be informed if any output to you
       has been suppressed.  If this is  the case,  you can retrieve the
       complete command output by using the  SENDback command or by con-
       structing a  database job where  command output will  be e-mailed
       back to you.
       DATABASE Commands
       These commands are  designed to give the LISTSERV  user access to
       any databases  for which they  have appropriate  authority.  With
       them,   databases may  be  searched  and documents  displayed  or
       retrieved.  Note that some of the  commands you can construct may
       become too long to fit onto one line.  If this is the case,  com-
       mands may be split over as many lines as desired by using the '-'
       (hyphen) continuation character.  To use this, end each line with
       this character and continue entering  your command on the follow-
       ing line.  LISTSERV will not execute  the command until you enter
       the last line of the command (which should not end with a contin-
       uation character).
       |                                                               |
       |  Search      Search  a for  documents holding  a given  text  |
       |              string                                           |
       |                                                               |
       |  SELect      A synonym for the Search command                 |
       |                                                               |
       |  Index       Display  the list  of documents  selected in  a  |
       |              Search                                           |
       |                                                               |
       |  Print       Display the contents of documents selected in a  |
       |              Search                                           |
       |                                                               |
       |  SENDback    Send yourself  a copy of  one or  more selected  |
       |              documents                                        |
       |                                                               |
       |  Format      Change  the format  and  data  displayed by  an  |
       |              Index command                                    |
       |                                                               |
       |  List        Display data from selected documents in a given  |
       |              format                                           |
       |                                                               |
       |  QUIT        End an interactive database session              |
       |                                                               |
       Search    The  Search (or  SELect)   command  is used  to  search
                 through the  documents in  a specified  database for  a
                 given string  of text.   The text may  be one  word,  a
                 series of  different words or  a phrase.  You  may also
                 include a number of optional search criteria with which
                 a search can be restricted. Once a search has been ini-
                 tiated with this command,  you  will be informed of the
                 number  of documents  that match  your search  criteria
                 (these are called the number of hits).  These documents
                 then form the  group on which subsequent  database com-
                 mands are executed.   The Search command should  be the
                 first database command  you use when you  start a data-
                 base session.   You must have  a number of  hits before
                 issuing any of the other database commands.  The format
                 of the Search command is:
                 Search    search-rules  < optional-rules >
                 The search-rules specify the text string to be searched
                 for in  the documents within a  database .  If  you are
                 interested in making your  selection of documents based
                 solely on  the other  optional-rules (described  below)
                 then you  may give a  search-rule value of  '*' (aster-
                 isk), otherwise, a text string must be provided here. A
                 text string may be comprised of one or more words sepa-
                 rated by  logical operators or it  may be a  phrase (in
                 which case it must be quoted). If a text string is giv-
                 en as a series of words that are not quoted and no log-
                 ical operator separates them,  the logical operator AND
                 is assumed.   For example,  the following  commands are
                      SEARCH PC VIRUS
                      SEARCH PC AND VIRUS
                 These commands  will result in  a search  for documents
                 that  hold the  words PC  and VIRUS  anywhere in  their
                 text.  Note that both of these words must be present in
                 a document  for it  to be selected  (as denoted  by the
                 logical operator AND). A full list of logical operators
                 is given in the keyword-rules  section below.  A phrase
                 is constructed by the use of quotes in the text string.
                 Phrases may also be separated by logical operators. For
                      SEARCH 'PC VIRUS' OR 'Virus Warning'
                 results in a search for documents that hold the phrases
                 PC VIRUS  or Virus Warning  in their text.   When using
                 quotes to  specify a phrase,   ensure that  the correct
                 number  of blank  characters are  present between  each
                 word in  the phrase.  Searching  for PC VIRUS  with one
                 blank character  between PC  and VIRUS  will not  match
                 strings that have multiple blank characters in the same
                 position. You may use either single or double quotes to
                 enclose a phrase.  However,  there is an important dif-
                 ference between them.  Using  double quotes will result
                 in a  case-sensitive search  for the  text in  a phrase
                 while single quotes (or no quotes at all) yields a non-
                 case-sensitive search.   If a phrase itself  contains a
                 quotation mark in it, then it must be doubled:
                      SEARCH 'The Forum''s decision'
                 The optional-rules part  of the Search command  is com-
                 prised  of a  database-list,   date-rules and  keyword-
                 rules. One or more of these elements may be included in
                 a Search command.  They may appear, in any order, after
                 the search-rules have been specified and may be identi-
                 fied by the  appearance of their reserved-words  in the
                 Search command text.  Each  of these optional-rules are
                 described below under their own headings.
                 A database-list identifies the database whose documents
                 are to be included in the search. It must be present in
                 a Search command until a  number of documents have been
                 selected as hits.  Once you have  a group of hits,  the
                 database-list can be omitted  and all subsequent Search
                 commands will  act solely upon  this selected  group of
                 documents (including  additional Search  commands which
                 do not specify a new database. This can be used to fur-
                 ther reduce the number of  selected documents).  If you
                 wish to search for new  documents not already among the
                 group of  hits,  a  new database-list  should again  be
                 included in the  Search command.  It has  the following
                 IN        db-name
                 Here,  the database name that  you specify must be pre-
                 ceded by the reserved-word IN. Therefore, if you wanted
                 to search for the phrase  'Infinite Loop' in a database
                 called BUGS,  you would form your search command in the
                 following way:
                      SEARCH 'Infinite Loop' IN BUGS
                 Within a database,  each document is assigned a unique,
                 sequential number.  You will see the number assigned to
                 each document  in response to  an Index  command (which
                 lists  all the  documents selected).   This number  may
                 change between different database sessions, however, it
                 will not change during a session.  Therefore,  they may
                 also be used  to further narrow a  search for documents
                 within a database  by specifying a list of  one or more
                 document numbers,  an upper or lower limit for document
                 numbers or  a range  of numbers.   This information  is
                 appended to the given database  name with the following
                 db-name.  < (  >  number <,> number-  <,> number-number
                           <,> -number < ) >
                 All document numbers are appended  to the database name
                 by a '.'  (full stop)  character.  If you  are going to
                 specify more than one document number,  they may either
                 be enclosed in  parentheses or else they  must be sepa-
                 rated by  commas.  For example,   in a  database called
                 PROJECTS, you could include in your search all the doc-
                 uments with numbers  up to and including  10,  document
                 number 15,  all those between  and including numbers 20
                 and 30 and all documents  above and including number 45
                 with either of the following commands:
                      SEARCH * IN PROJECTS.(-10 15 20-30 45-)
                      SEARCH * IN PROJECTS.-10,15,20-30,45-
                 Including document numbers in a  Search command is use-
                 ful only when reducing the quantity of hits from a pre-
                 vious database search.
                 The date-rules option  can be used to  further restrict
                 the search  of documents  to those  that fall  within a
                 given time interval.   The reserved-words in the Search
                 command that indicate the presence of date-rules are:
                 SINCE     date  <  time  >
                 FROM      date  <  time  >  TO  date  <  time  >
                 UNTIL     date  <  time  >
                 Here,  the optional  time parameter may be  supplied in
                 the form of hh:mm<:ss>;  where  hh represents the hour,
                 mm the minutes  and the optional ss,   for the seconds.
                 The date parameter  can be supplied in any  of the fol-
                 lowing formats:
                 dd mm
                 < dd- > month-name < -yy >
                 Where yy is a two-digit representation of the year,  mm
                 is a two-digit  month number and dd is  a two-digit day
                 number.  The special string  TODAY inserts today's date
                 into the date-rule clause. The month-name parameter can
                 be used  to provide the name  of a month.  This  can be
                 abbreviated to any length and the first month (in chro-
                 nological order)  that matches  the month-name supplied
                 will be selected for use.
                 The keyword-rules use a predefined  set of keywords for
                 the database being searched.   See the section DATABASE
                 Keywords  for a  description  of  keywords specific  to
                 notebook databases that can be used in database search-
                 es. The format of keyword-rules is:
                 WHERE     keyword-tag  expression
                 Here, WHERE is the reserved-word that denotes the pres-
                 ence of a keyword-rule in a search command.  (Note that
                 WITH is a synonym for WHERE and they can be used inter-
                 changeably). The keyword-tag identifies a valid keyword
                 for the database where the search  is to be done.  Note
                 that these can differ between  different types of data-
                 bases.    In  the  case of  notebook  databases,   this
                 includes the Subject and  SEnder keywords.  The expres-
                 sion that follows the keyword-tag  must be satisfied if
                 any document is to be counted  as a hit.  These expres-
                 sions may be written in the following format:
                 IS  value
                 =  value
                 IS NOT  value
                 ^=  value
                 >  value
                 >=  value
                 <  value
                 <=  value
                 CONTAINS  value
                 DOES NOT CONTAIN  value
                 SOUNDS LIKE  value
                 DOES NOT SOUND LIKE  value
                 Where the value given is either a number or a string of
                 text.  All text strings that contain more than one word
                 must be enclosed in quotes.   If no comparison operator
                 is put before the value then  IS is assumed.  The above
                 expressions are all self-explanatory with the exception
                 of SOUNDS LIKE and DOES NOT SOUND LIKE.  These are used
                 to make phonetic  searches on keywords where  the value
                 you supply  in the  expression does  not have  to match
                 exactly to  the information  in the  keyword-tag.  Some
                 SEARCH * IN PSYCH-L WITH SENDER ''
                 SEARCH * IN PROG-L WHERE SUBJECT CONTAINS 'Binary Tree'
                 In the first example, a search will be initiated in the
                 PSYCH-L notebook  database for  all mail  messages that
                 have a SEnder keyword value of  The
                 second will search the PROG-L notebook database for all
                 e-mail whose Subject keyword includes the string Binary
                 Tree.  The last example will  select mail messages that
                 have been  sent by anyone  to the EARN-UG  mailing list
                 whose userid could be smith,   smythe or even Smithers.
                 It is also possible to construct complex expressions by
                 making use  of logical (or boolean)   operators.  These
                 operators can also be used  in the search-rules section
                 of a Search command. They are:
                 NOT  or  ^
                 AND  or  BUT  or  &
                 OR  or  |  or  /
                 Note that when you use  these logical operators,  it is
                 advisable that you enclose  the expression in parenthe-
                 ses. For example:
                  ... WHERE SUBJECT CONTAINS (Nuclear OR Particle)
       Index     This command is used to display information from all of
                 the documents  which have been  selected with  a Search
                 command.  This information will help you decide what to
                 do next  (for example,  issue  a new Search  command or
                 perhaps review the contents of one or more of the docu-
                 ments with a Print command).   Information from each of
                 the selected  documents will be  displayed in  a prede-
                 fined format  (depending on  the type  of database  you
                 have searched).  For every document,  you can expect to
                 be shown details such as its number, its size, the date
                 it was created or last  modified and any other informa-
                 tion relevant to  the type of database  you are search-
                 ing.  Each type of database has its own predefined dis-
                 play  format when  the Index  command  is issued.   The
                 information shown  and the way  it is displayed  can be
                 customized through the use of  the Format command.  The
                 format of the Index command is:
                 Index     < fmt-name >
                 Where fmt-name is the optional name of a display format
                 you have previously defined with  a Format command.  If
                 you do not  specify a fmt-name parameter,   the default
                 display format  (which has  the format  name of  INDEX)
                 will be used.
       Print     This command can be used to  review the contents of one
                 or more  documents that  have been  selected through  a
                 Search command.   It is therefore  designed to  be used
                 when you have narrowed down the number of selected doc-
                 uments (perhaps through successive Search commands)  to
                 those that are definitely of interest to you since this
                 command can generate a lot  of output.   The Print com-
                 mand has the following format:
                 Print     < options >
                 Where options provides a list  of one or more documents
                 whose contents you  wish to have displayed.   If you do
                 not  identify any  specific documents  by omitting  the
                 options parameter,  you will be shown the complete con-
                 tents (or the first thirty lines)  of all the documents
                 that you  currently have selected.   If you do  wish to
                 provide options with the Print  command,  they have the
                 < sections keyword-tags >  < OF >  < document-numbers >
                                                    <, ... >
                 Here, the sections and keyword-tags parameters are used
                 to identify which sections or keywords from the select-
                 ed documents you wish to have displayed.  This can be a
                 list of one or more document sections or keywords valid
                 for the database you have been searching. A description
                 of document  sections and keywords available  for note-
                 book databases is  given in the DATABASE  Keywords sec-
                 tion.   The  document-numbers  parameter  may  then  be
                 included to identify those  specific documents you wish
                 to have displayed. The numbers of all currently select-
                 ed documents may be seen with the Index command.  If no
                 document numbers are given,  the  Print command acts on
                 all of the currently selected documents. Otherwise, you
                 may provide a list of one or more document numbers,  an
                 upper or lower limit of document  numbers or a range of
                 numbers.  These parameters to the  Print command may be
                 given  multiple times  by separating  them  with a  ','
                 (comma) character.   Consider the following example for
                 a notebook database:
                 PRINT SUBJECT OF -10,SENDER OF 13-15,19 21,BODY OF 30-
                 This Print command gives four separate instructions for
                 displaying  information from  the  documents that  have
                 already been selected with a Search command.  The first
                 set of parameters asks that the information held in the
                 Subject keyword for all documents  whose numbers are up
                 to and  including 10 be  displayed.  The second  set of
                 parameters,  that the information  from the SEnder key-
                 word for all documents in the range of 13 to 15 be dis-
                 played.  The next set of  parameters specifies that the
                 entire contents (that is, both the Header and Body doc-
                 ument sections)  of  documents 19 and 21  be displayed.
                 Finally,  the last set of parameters asks that the Body
                 document sections of all documents with numbers greater
                 than and including 30 are shown. Therefore, if a Search
                 command has selected a group of documents whose numbers
                 are 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21,  29,  30 and 31,
                 then the  above Print command will  display information
                 regarding all of these documents except numbers 12,  20
                 and 29. Note that in interactive mode, the results of a
                 Print command are sent directly to your screen.  If you
                 wish to  retrieve the results of  a Print command  as a
                 file, then you must use the SENDback command.
       SENDback  This command is used to have command output returned to
                 you in a file. Its use is valid only if you have estab-
                 lished an interactive database  session with a LISTSERV
                 server.  If you are using the batch access method,  you
                 will always receive the output of any database commands
                 as e-mail. The SENDback command has the format:
                 SENDback    command
                 where command can be either a valid Print or Index com-
                 mand.   You will receive the output requested as a file
                 called database-name OUTPUT. For example:
                      SENDBACK INDEX
                      SENDBACK PRINT SENDER BODY OF 23-26
       Format    This command may be used  to change the way information
                 about the documents  you have selected is  displayed to
                 you with the Index command.  The Index command will use
                 a default display format unless a new format is defined
                 and specified as an Index parameter. The Format command
                 can alter the selection, placement, length and headings
                 of the fields  that will be presented.   Once a display
                 format is defined  with the Format command,   it can be
                 used repeatedly for  the duration of the  database ses-
                 sion. The Format command syntax is:
                 Format    fmt-name:  field1  < field2 >  < ..... >
                 Where fmt-name is the name you have chosen for the for-
                 mat you are about to define.  You will use this name as
                 a parameter of the Index when  you wish to use it.  The
                 format name must be followed  by a ':' (colon)  charac-
                 ter.  The  field parameters  then go  on to  define the
                 presentation of the information  available from a data-
                 base.  Each field consists of  a database keyword and a
                 description of how the information from that keyword is
                 to be displayed.  See the section DATABASE Keywords for
                 a description of keywords common  to all LISTSERV data-
                 bases and those specific to notebook databases that can
                 be used in the Format command. Each field parameter has
                 the following format:
                 keyword   < (from <,to> ) >< .width <just> >
                           < "heading" <just> >
                 Here the  keyword parameter identifies a  database key-
                 word whose  information you  wish to  put in  a display
                 field.  Immediately following this,  you may optionally
                 include the  from and  to parameters  (in parentheses).
                 They control the number and  position of the characters
                 passed from the  database keyword to the  display field
                 you are now defining. For example, you want to define a
                 display field for the  database name.  This information
                 comes from the DATABASE keyword, however, you only want
                 to use characters 4 to 7 from this keyword.  This field
                 definition would then start with DATABASE(4,7).  If the
                 name of  database is SU-ATOMS,   only the  ATOM  string
                 will then  be passed  from the  keyword to  the display
                 field.  The  default values for from  and to are  1 and
                 255,  respectively.  Usually,  you will not need to use
                 these parameters.  Following this is the section defin-
                 ing the width and optional  new heading for the display
                 field.  It  must be  be preceded  by a  '.' (full-stop)
                 character.  The width  is the number of  characters you
                 wish to use for displaying  the keyword information for
                 this field.  The heading parameter  defines a new title
                 for the display  field (the default is the  name of the
                 keyword being  referenced).  If  a new  title is  given
                 here, it must be enclosed in double quotes. To continue
                 the above  example,  you want  to display  the database
                 name in  a field  of 4  characters under  a heading  of
                 "Name".   The field  definition  would  now look  like:
                 DATABASE(4,7).4 "Name". When the format is used with an
                 Index command, the result would appear as:
                 If the information passed from  the database keyword to
                 the display field is longer than the width,  it will be
                 truncated and a  '+' (plus)  character appended  to the
                 name when it is displayed. This is true for any display
                 field.  In the above example,   if the field definition
                 was DATABASE.4 "Name"  then the result would be:
                 Note that because  the from and to  parameters were not
                 used in the above example,   the full database name was
                 passed from the keyword to  the display field.  You may
                 also justify  information in the  display by  using the
                 just parameter. The just parameter has the format:
                 L         Left Justified
                 R         Right Justified
                 C         Centered
                 R0        Right Justified with leading zeros
                 For example, you want to define your own display format
                 and include  in it the  database name and  the document
                 number.  The  database name should be  in a field  of 8
                 characters and have the title "DB Names" while the doc-
                 ument number,   a field  of 6  characters and  have the
                 title "Doc#".   Both of the  titles should  be centered
                 while the actual database name should be displayed left
                 justified and the document number,  right justified and
                 packed with leading zeros.  The format definition would
                 look like:
                 FORMAT MYFMT: DATABASE.8L "DB Names"C #.6R0 "Doc#"C
                 The DATABASE and  # keywords provide the  database name
                 and document number information. The result of an Index
                 MYFMT command would be:
                      DB Names  Doc#
                      --------  ----
                      SU-ATOMS 000103
                      CHEM-L   000089
                 Note that  the R0 justification  parameter can  be used
                 only for fields that hold numeric information and never
                 for heading definitions.
       List      This command can be used  to display information on the
                 documents you have selected  (through a Search command)
                 in a  temporary format you  define in the  List command
                 parameters.  It is similar in function to an Index com-
                 mand that is  called with the name of  a display format
                 you have previously defined in  a Format command.  How-
                 ever,  it differs in the  sense that the display format
                 you choose with the List  command is temporary and must
                 be redefined every time it  is used (the Format command
                 saves the  definition under a  given name which  may be
                 used repeatedly).  The List command  is most useful for
                 displaying  information about  selected documents  that
                 would not normally  be shown with an  Index command and
                 without having to first define a whole new display with
                 the Format command. The format of the List command is:
                 List      format
                 Where format can  be a series of  parameters describing
                 the display fields to be  used (identical to those used
                 in the  Format command),  or  the name of  a previously
                 defined display format (either one  you have given in a
                 Format command or  the default display name  of INDEX).
                 Alternatively,  it can  be a combination of  the above.
                 This makes the List command very flexible. For example,
                 you have a number of documents selected and now wish to
                 be shown a list of their senders.  If the document sen-
                 der is  not given in the  default display of  the Index
                 command,  the  following List command will  supply this
                      LIST SENDER.10 "Written by"
                 The senders of all selected documents will be displayed
                 in a field of 10 characters under the title of "Written
                 by".  However,  only the document  senders will be dis-
                 played for each selected document,  and no other infor-
                 mation.  You may,   at this point,  decide  to continue
                 defining each consecutive field for  the display (as in
                 the Format command)  or  display the sender information
                 in conjunction with another, already defined, format:
                      LIST SENDER.10 "Written by" fmt-name
                 Where fmt-name is the name you  have assigned to a dis-
                 play format previously defined with a Format command or
                 is the  default name  INDEX (which  gives the  standard
                 information for  the type of  database you  are search-
                 ing).  Using  these parameters,  the List  command will
                 display each  document sender followed by  the informa-
                 tion normally displayed with the fmt-name format.
       QUIT      This command is  used to leave an  interactive database
                 session. It has no meaning in a batch database session.
                        LISTSERV INFORMATION Functions
       The LISTSERV server can provide a diverse range of information to
       the general user. This includes help files, release levels of the
       server and important configuration files, statistics and informa-
       tion pertaining to  the EARN/BITNET network.  When  sending these
       commands to LISTSERV,   they must be addressed to  the server and
       not to any mailing lists it may manage.
       Commands for INFORMATION
       The following LISTSERV  commands enable general users  to request
       information from servers. For those commands that result in files
       being sent to the requestor (for  example the Info command),  the
       format and  class of the  file can  be specified by  the optional
       command  keywords F=  and CLASS=  in  the command  text (see  the
       LISTSERV Command Keywords section for more information).
       |                                                               |
       |  Help      Receive a brief summary of commands                |
       |                                                               |
       |  Info      Retrieve  a  help  or   informational  file  from  |
       |            LISTSERV                                           |
       |                                                               |
       |  RELEASE   Displays information about a LISTSERV server       |
       |                                                               |
       |  SHOW      Displays diverse information                       |
       |                                                               |
       Help      Use this command to get a brief description of the most
                 commonly used LISTSERV  commands and also the  name and
                 e-mail address of the  server's postmaster.  The format
                 of the command is:
       Info      Use this command to get an informational (or help) file
                 from a LISTSERV server. The format of the command is:
                 Info      < topic >  < F= format >  < CLASS= class >
                 Where the  topic option  should specify  the topic  for
                 which an informational  file will be sent  to you.  You
                 may get a list of valid topics by sending the Info com-
                 mand  with  no  parameters to  your  nearest  (or  any)
       RELEASE   The RELEASE command may be  used to display information
                 about a  LISTSERV server.   This includes  its version,
                 release and fix  levels;  the date and  time stamps for
                 important configuration files;  and the name and e-mail
                 address of the server's postmaster. It has the format:
       SHOW      Use the SHOW  command to display a  variety of informa-
                 tion about a  LISTSERV server and the  EARN/BITNET net-
                 work. The command format is:
                 SHOW      show-option
                 Where show-option must be one of the following:
                 NADs node-list  - Display the  e-mail addresses  of the
                 registered node administrators for one or more computer
                 nodes given in the  node-list parameter.  This informa-
                 tion is taken from the BITEARN NODES file.
                 ALIAS node-list - Show the different names by which one
                 or more nodes  (given in the node-list  parameter)  are
                 known.   This is useful for  obtaining the domain style
                 address of a node (or vice versa).
                 VERSion - This option is a synonym for the RELEASE com-
                 FIXes - Display information  about the LISTSERV program
                 fixes installed on a server.
                 BITEARN  -  Display  technical  information  about  the
                 BITEARN NODES (network definition) file.
                 NETwork - Display general information about the BITEARN
                 NODES (network definition) file.
                 NODEntry node-list  - Displays the information  held in
                 the  BITEARN   NODES  file  about   the  one   or  more
                 EARN/BITNET  computer  nodes  given  in  the  node-list
                 LINKs  node-list -  Display information  about all  the
                 EARN/BITNET network links defined for  one or more com-
                 puter  nodes given  in the  node-list parameter.   This
                 information is taken from the BITEARN NODES file.
                 PATHs s-node  node-list - Show  the network  path taken
                 between one computer node (given  in the s-node parame-
                 ter)  and  one or  more different  nodes (given  in the
                 node-list parameter). You will be given a diagram show-
                 ing each of the computer nodes  on the path and a speed
                 (or  link resistance)   value associated  with each  of
                 these links.
                 DPATHs node-list  | *  - Show  the path  chosen by  one
                 LISTSERV server when delivering mail via the DISTRIBUTE
                 algorithm to one  or more nodes given  in the node-list
                 parameter.   You will  be shown  a  list of  (backbone)
                 LISTSERV servers that  will be used for  this distribu-
                 tion.  If you use the '*' (asterisk) character in place
                 of a node-list parameter, the distribution paths to all
                 other known LISTSERV servers will be given. This output
                 is extremely  long,  so if  you issue this  command via
                 interactive messages, you should also use the MAIL pre-
                 fix if you are sending  commands interactively (see the
                 Trouble-Shooting section for more information).
                 DISTribute -  Show statistics of outgoing  and incoming
                 DISTRIBUTE jobs processed by a LISTSERV server.
       Batch Jobs
                 When a LISTSERV server receives  command mail (that is,
                 LISTSERV commands sent to a server via e-mail)  it will
                 execute the commands  and mail the results  back to the
                 sender.  See  the section Sending Commands  to LISTSERV
                 for more details on command mail.  LISTSERV will toler-
                 ate only a certain number of unknown commands or syntax
                 errors  from a  command  mail.   If this  threshold  is
                 reached,  processing of the command mail is stopped and
                 any remaining commands will not be executed.  There may
                 be cases  when users sending  commands to  LISTSERV via
                 e-mail will  not have any  commands executed due  to an
                 excess of errors found in  the mail before any commands
                 are  reached.   This  can happen  when mailing  systems
                 automatically insert text  at the top of  mail messages
                 as they are  posted and provide no  means for disabling
                 this process.  This text is read by the LISTSERV server
                 and each line is counted as  an error until the thresh-
                 old is reached  and processing for the  command mail is
                 stopped.   To deal  with this  and similar  situations,
                 LISTSERV has its own Command  Job Language whereby com-
                 mands to be executed can be presented in a special for-
                 mat.   Commands  sent to  LISTSERV in  this manner  are
                 known as batch jobs. For example, if you wanted to send
                 the SHOW VERSION and LIST commands for execution on the
                 LISTSERV at  SEARN,  you could construct  the following
                 batch job:
                                // JOB
                                SHOW VERSION
                                // EOJ
                 and then send it to that server.  The first line in the
                 above  example indicates  the  start  of a  batch  job.
                 LISTSERV  will recognise  this and  totally ignore  any
                 lines in the body of the  mail message that precede it.
                 Following this,  any number of LISTSERV commands may be
                 entered (one per line) and these will be processed nor-
                 mally.  A batch  job is ended by the  appearance of the
                 last line  (as shown in  the example above).   For more
                 information about  the LISTSERV  Command Job  Language,
                 send the command  GET LISTJOB MEMO to  your nearest (or
                 any) LISTSERV server.
       The MAIL Prefix
                 There  may  be times  when  you  send  a command  to  a
                 LISTSERV server  and wish  to have  the command  output
                 returned to  you via e-mail.   This will always  be the
                 case for  users not  on the  EARN/BITNET network  since
                 they can  only communicate  with LISTSERV  servers with
                 command  mail  (see  the section  Sending  Commands  to
                 LISTSERV  for more  information).   EARN/BITNET  users,
                 however,  may send commands to a server via interactive
                 messages.  In this case, LISTSERV will return most com-
                 mand output also via interactive  messages that will be
                 displayed  on screen.    For commands  that generate  a
                 large amount of output,  the MAIL prefix can be used to
                 direct LISTSERV  to send this  output to you  as e-mail
                 instead of to your screen. To do this, the command MAIL
                 is prefixed to  the beginning of any  LISTSERV command.
                 For example,  the SHOW DPATHS * command returns a large
                 amount of information. This can be sent via e-mail with
                 the following command:
                      MAIL SHOW DPATHS *
                         Other Sources of Information
       A standard set of help files are available upon request from each
       LISTSERV server.  To get a copy of these files, use the INFO com-
       mand (see the section Commands for INFORMATION).
       There  are several  mailing  lists  for discussion  of  technical
       LISTSERV issues. They are not intended for casual users, but they
       should be of interest to advanced users. They are:
       LSTSRV-L  Technical forum on LISTSERV
       LSTOWN-L  LISTSERV list owners' forum
       LDBASE-L  Forum on LISTSERV database search capabilities