LSVQUICK MEMO February 1993 What is LISTSERV? LISTSERV is a distribution list management package that runs on IBM VM/CMS systems in the international NJE network (Bitnet/EARN). It allows groups of computer users with a common interest to communicate among themselves, while making efficient use of computer and network resources. It makes it easy for even novice users to discover, join, and participate in these interest group mailing lists. LISTSERV also provides facilities for digesting and archiving of mail traffic, file server functions, and database searches of archives and files. Communicating with LISTSERV Anyone who can send electronic mail to a Bitnet/EARN address can participate in a mailing list and access other LISTSERV facilities, as long as the message format is valid (according to the RFC822 standard), and has a usable return address. To use LISTSERV facilities, send electronic mail with your LISTSERV commands to: LISTSERV@host-id where 'host-id' is the host computer's NJE address (eg. TAUNIVM.BITNET) or its Internet domain name (eg. VM.TAU.AC.IL). There may be some local variation on the format needed to send mail to Bitnet or Internet addresses. Check with your local support people. More than one command can be sent to LISTSERV in the same mail message. Each command must be on a separate line. LISTSERV will ignore the "Subject: " line of the mail header. For Bitnet/EARN users, interactive messages are the fastest and most convenient way to send commands to LISTSERV, but bear in mind that interactive messages only work when the links between your computer and LISTSERV are up; if the message fails, you can always send your command via mail. To send interactive messages from an IBM computer running VM/CMS, the format is: TELL LISTSERV AT node_id listserv_command On a VAX VMS system, the format is: $ SEND LISTSERV@node_id "listserv_command" The LISTSERV command must be in quotes. NOTE: To join a list, you send a message with your SUBscribe command to LISTSERV. To make an announcement to the members of a list, you send mail to the list address. For example, to join the EARN Users Group list (list name: EARN-UG, host site: IRLEARN), send a SUBscribe command to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET. This can be done interactively, from VM: TELL LISTSERV AT IRLEARN SUB EARN-UG Name Lastname or from VMS: $ SEND LISTSERV@IRLEARN "SUB EARN-UG Name Lastname" or by mail, to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET, with the line: SUB EARN-UG Name Lastname in the text of the message. To send a message to all list members, send mail to: EARN-UG@IRLEARN.BITNET LISTSERV Database Facilities The archives of mailing lists, as well as certain other databases, can be searched using LISTSERV's database facilities. To find out what databases are accessible at a LISTSERV site send the command: DATABASE LIST To perform a database search, you send mail to LISTSERV containing a "batch command job" with your database query. In addition, EARN/Bitnet users on VM or VMS systems can access the database facilities interactively via the LDBASE program. For more details on the LISTSERV database facilities, send the command: INFO DATABASE LISTSERV Commands for General Users CAPITAL letters indicate acceptable abbreviation; angle brackets: < > indicate an optional parameter; vertical bar (|) indicates a choice of parameters. Format of parameters is given at the end. There are two basic versions of LISTSERV in use: "LISTEARN 1.3" and "Revised LISTSERV 1.7". The two versions differ only in certain command parameters. Parameters marked with a (*) are for LISTEARN 1.3 only, those marked (x) are available only in "Revised LISTSERV 1.7". To find out which version is installed at the server you wish to use, send the command: SHOW VERSion List subscription commands -------------------------- SUBscribe listname full_name Request to subscribe to a list Change your name if already subscribed SIGNOFF listname | * <(NETWIDE> Remove yourself from a list UNSubscribe or from all lists SET listname | * <options> Alter your distribution options for a given list Mail/NOMail Toggles mailing from a list DIGests(x)/INDex(x) Ask for an index or digest rather than getting messages as they are posted Files/NOFiles Toggles files from a list ACK/NOACK/MSGAck Sets acknowledgment sent for mail that you send to the list REPro/NOREPro Toggles copy-to-yourself of the mail you send to the list FULL/SHORT/IETF/DUAL(x) Toggles the type of mail header FULL includes Message-ID: DUAL shows poster in mail body CONCEAL/NOCONCEAL Reveal/Hide yourself from the "REView" command TOPICS:(x) ALL Change topics you are subscribed (+/-)topic to (add/remove one, replace list) CONFIRM listname | * Renew your subscription Informational commands ---------------------- Help Obtain a list of commands Info <topic> Order LISTSERV documentation Omit <topic> for a list of topics List <options> Obtain a description of local Detailed lists Global </string> All lists worldwide or all with 'string' in list name or title Query listname | * Review your distribution options for a given list (or all lists) File fn ft Get filelist info on file RELEASE Show the version and who maintains the server REView listname <(options> Review the contents of a list LOCal Countries Short NOHeader Msg BY Name(x) Sort by lastname/firstname SHOW Display requested information: ADmin(*) nodeid Node administrators ALIAS nodeid Node's Internet (or Bitnet) name LINKs(x) nodeid BITNET links NODE nodeid Node entry from BITEARN NODES OWNer(*) list | * Owners of list(s) PATHs(x) snode node1 <node2...> BITNET path between nodes PEer(*) country LISTSERVs in given country TRee(*) nodeid <depth> Network links of node User(*) pattern Entries from LISTSERV's signup file containing pattern (in name or address) VERSion Information on LISTSERV and operating system version File and filelist commands -------------------------- AFD Automatic File Distribution Functions requiring a password: ADD fn ft <filelist <prolog>> Add file to your AFD-list. DELete fn ft <filelist> Delete file(s) from your AFD-list Functions not requiring a password: List Displays your AFD-list Query Synonym for AFD List GET fn ft <filelist> Sends a list of people subscribed to the file (for file owners) FUI File Update Information Functions requiring a password: ADD fn ft <filelist> Add file to your FUI-list. DELete fn ft <filelist> Delete file(s) from your FUI-list Functions not requiring a password: List Displays your FUI-list Query Synonym for FUI List GET fn ft <filelist> Sends a list of people subscribed to the file (for file owners) GET fn ft <filelist> Obtain the specified file SENDme GIVE fn ft <filelist> TO u@n Sends the file to the user INDex <filelist> Sends you the desired FILELIST. Same as GET xxxx FILELIST. Other commands -------------- MAIL any_listserv_command Force response via e-mail PW ADD new_password Define yourself a password CHange old_password new_password Change your LISTSERV password DELete old_password Delete your LISTSERV password REGister full_name Add or change your name in LISTSERV's signup file. Parameter description --------------------- * = all lists userid = Any valid RFC822 network address not longer than 80 characters If omitted, the node defaults to the command sender's node full_name = first_name middle_initial surname (*not* "userid at node") For each command that causes the server to send you a file, a file format option can also be specified by adding 'F=format' to the end of the command. Acceptable formats are: Netdata Card Disk Punch LPunch UUe XXE HEX(*) BTOa(*) VMArc(*) EBCdic(*) Split(*) VMSdump(x) MIME/text(x) MIME/Appl(x) For example, to get the file PCPROG ZIP in XXE format the command is: GET PCPROG ZIP F=XXE The list of commands included in this document is not exhaustive. Detailed documentation on LISTSERV, and related services, is available from: LISTSERV@EARNCC.BITNET For a list of available documents send the command: INDex DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document has been compiled and produced by the EARN Association. Permission to copy all or part of this document without fee is granted provided the copies are not used for commercial advantage and that the EARN Association is cited as the source of the document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is available from: LISTSERV@EARNCC.BITNET Send the command: GET filename where the filename is either: LSVQUICK PS (Postscript) LSVQUICK MEMO (plain text)