LSVSTART MEMO                                              February 1993
LISTSERV  is a  distribution list  management  package. It  runs on  IBM
VM/CMS systems in the international NJE network (Bitnet/EARN). It allows
groups of  computer users  with a common  interest to  communicate among
themselves,  while   making  efficient  use  of   computer  and  network
resources. It makes it easy for even novice users to discover, join, and
participate  in  these  interest  group  mailing  lists.  LISTSERV  also
provides  facilities for  logging and  archiving of  mail traffic,  file
server functions, and database searches of archives and files.
What is available from LISTSERV?
There are  LISTSERV lists  on every  subject under  the sun,  with names
ranging  from  AARPUB-L (AAR  Electronic  Publication  list) to  Z3950IW
(Z39.50  Implementors Workshop).  LISTSERV lists  are international  and
eclectic.  You will  find lists  in  every imaginable  field, for  every
audience, in many different countries and in many different languages.
Here are just a few examples from the more than 3500 lists in existence:
ListName  Location    Title
--------  --------  -------------------------------------------------
ACDGIS-L  AWIIMC12  Geographische Informationssysteme
ADQ       UQUEBEC   Association des demographes du Quebec
AFRICA-L  BROWNVM   Forum Pan-Africa
AHC-L     DGOGWDG1  Association for History & Computing
AIB-CUR   IVEUNCC   Discussione Associazione Italiana Biblioteche
AIX-L     PUCC      IBM AIX Discussion List
ALBION-L  UCSBVM    British and Irish History
ALGCOMP   BRLNCC    Forum de Computacao Algebrica
AMCA-L    MCGILL1   Alumni and Friends of Croatian Universities
AMIGA-TR  TREARN    Turk Amiga'cilar listesi
ANEST-L   UBVM      Anesthesiology Discussion List
ANGLICAN  AUVM      Episcopal Mailing List
ARKNET-L  UAFSYSB   Arkansas State Network Discussions
ARTCRIT   YORKVM1   Art Criticism Discussion Forum
ASIMOV-L  UTDALLAS  Discussion of Isaac Asimov's works
AUTOCAD   OHSTVMA   AUTOCAD Autocad Discussion List
AUTOMILK  UMDD      Automated Milking Systems
AYN-RAND  IUBVM     Moderated Discussion of Objectivist Philosophy
See the LIST  command in the section "How to  get started with LISTSERV"
for instructions on getting an up-to-date list of lists.
Who can use LISTSERV?
Anyone  who  can send  electronic  mail  to  a Bitnet/EARN  address  can
participate in a  mailing list and access other  LISTSERV facilities, as
long as the message format is  valid (according to the RFC822 standard),
and has  a usable return  address. Every  day, people use  LISTSERV from
HEPNET, Internet, Compuserve, MCIMAIL and many other networks throughout
the world.
Ask your local  support people if you don't know  how to send electronic
mail to EARN/Bitnet.
Where is LISTSERV?
There are more than 250 sites  in over 30 countries throughout the world
running LISTSERV  as part of the  world-wide network. Here is  a list of
some of the LISTSERV sites:
  Host      Site                                    Country
Computer                                             Code
--------  ----------------------------------------  -------
DEARN     GMD Bonn                                  Germany
BITNIC    BITNET Network Information Center         United States
HEARN     Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen          Netherlands
CUNYVM    City University of New York               United States
PUCC      Princeton University, New Jersey          United States
ICNUCEVM  CNUCE Istituto del CNR, Pisa              Italy
UKACRL    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory            Great Britain
QUCDN     Queen's University Computing Services     Canada
FRMOP11   CNUSC, Montpellier                        France
TREARN    Ege University Bornova,Izmir,             Turkey
UCHCECVM  Universidad de Chile, Santiago            Chile
TWNMOE10  Ministry of Education, Taipei             Taiwan
JPNSUT00  Science University of Tokyo               Japan
KRSNUCC1  Seoul National University                 South Korea
UFRJ      Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro    Brazil
SEARN     Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan i Stockholm  Sweden
ANDESCOL  Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota          Colombia
SAKFU00   King Faisal University, Hofuf             Saudi Arabia
HKUVM1    The University of Hong Kong               Hong Kong
PTEARN    Faculdade de Ciencias de Lisboa           Portugal
GREARN    Institute of Computer Science, Heraklion  Greece
PLEARN    Warsaw University                         Poland
AEARN     Vienna University, Wien                   Austria
CSEARN    Czech Technical University, Prague        Czech Republic
HUEARN    Hungarian Academy of Sciences             Hungary
TAUNIVM   Tel Aviv University                       Israel
EARNCC    EARN, Paris Office                        France
Communicating with LISTSERV
To  use LISTSERV  facilities, send  electronic mail  with your  LISTSERV
commands to: LISTSERV@host-id where 'host-id' is the host computer's NJE
address  (eg.   TAUNIVM.BITNET)  or   its  Internet  domain   name  (eg.
VM.TAU.AC.IL). There may be some local variation on the format needed to
send mail to Bitnet or Internet addresses. Check with your local support
More than one command can be sent  to LISTSERV in the same mail message.
Each  command must  be  on a  separate line.  LISTSERV  will ignore  the
"Subject: " line of the mail header.
For Bitnet/EARN  users, interactive  messages are  the fastest  and most
convenient  way to  send commands  to LISTSERV,  but bear  in mind  that
interactive messages only work when  the links between your computer and
LISTSERV are up; if the message  fails, you can always send your command
via  mail. To  send interactive  messages from  an IBM  computer running
VM/CMS, the format is:
          TELL LISTSERV AT node_id listserv_command
On a VAX VMS system, the format is:
          $  SEND LISTSERV@node_id "listserv_command"
The LISTSERV command must be in quotes.
NOTE: To join a list, you send  a message with your SUBscribe command to
LISTSERV. To  make an announcement  to the members  of a list,  you send
mail to the list address. For example, to join the EARN Users Group list
(list name:  EARN-UG, host site:  IRLEARN), send a SUBscribe  command to
LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET This can be done interactively, from VM:
or from VMS:
          $ SEND LISTSERV@IRLEARN "SUB EARN-UG Name Lastname"
or by mail, to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET, with the line:
          SUB EARN-UG Name Lastname
in the text of the message.
To send a message to all list members, send mail to:
How to get started with LISTSERV
The first  thing you'll want  to know is what  lists are of  interest to
you. Then you'll need  to know how to get onto those  lists. If you want
to leave a list,  you can do it quickly and  automatically. You can also
get  more detailed  information  on the  setup and  members  of a  list.
LISTSERV is also an excellent repository for files. You can ask LISTSERV
to send you files which it has stored.
Use the LIST command to find out what LISTSERV lists are available.
          LIST GLOBAL
          LIST GLOBAL string
Send the command LIST with no parameters  to find out what lists are run
locally. For  example, to find out  what lists are available  at EARNCC,
send mail (or an interactive message) to LISTSERV@EARNCC.BITNET with the
word LIST  in the message  body. Send the command  LIST GLOBAL to  get a
listing of all the lists in all the LISTSERVs throughout the world. This
command should  be sent  to your closest  LISTSERV (since  all LISTSERVs
have the  same global list). Note  that this file is  rather large (over
3500 lines). To get a subset of  the global file, send the command: LIST
GLOBAL  string. You  will  get  a listing  of  all  lists which  contain
'string' in the listname, host computer, or title.
Use the SUBSCRIBE command to join a list.
          SUBSCRIBE  listname  Your Full Name
Note  that  you do  not  send  your  electronic mail  address.  LISTSERV
automatically determines your electronic mail address from your mail (or
interactive message.) For example, if you  want to join the list EARN-UG
which  is based  at  the BITNET  node  IRLEARN, and  your  name is  Bill
Clinton, then you would send the command:
          SUBSCRIBE EARN-UG Bill Clinton
to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET. Actually,  you can send this  command to any
LISTSERV. They  all know where the  various lists are located,  and they
will forward your command to the appropriate machine for you.
For most  lists, subscription  requests are accepted  automatically. For
others, the request is forwarded to the list manager for approval.
Use the UNSUBSCRIBE command to leave a list.
          UNSUBSCRIBE listname
For example, to leave the EARN-UG list, send the command:
Use the REVIEW command to get the parameters of a list and the names and
addresses of the  list members. For some lists, the  names and addresses
of the members are not available to non-members.
          REVIEW listname
          REVIEW listname SHORT
          REVIEW listname NOHEADER
If you  add the SHORT parameter,  you will get only  the list parameters
without the list members. With the  NOHEADER parameter, you will get the
list of members without the list parameters.
Use the GET command to get a file from LISTSERV.
          GET filename filetype
The names of  the files follow the IBM VM/CMS  convention: the two parts
of the name are  each one to eight characters in  length, separated by a
space. No  matter how you send  your GET command (e-mail  or interactive
message),  LISTSERV will  automatically send  you the  file in  the most
appropriate way. For example, to get  the text version of this brochure,
send the command:
Detailed documentation  on LISTSERV, and related  services, is available
For a list of available documents send the command:   INDex DOC
This document  has been compiled  and produced by the  EARN Association.
Permission to copy  all or part of this document  without fee is granted
provided the copies  are not used for commercial advantage  and that the
EARN Association is cited as the source of the document.
This document is available from:     LISTSERV@EARNCC.BITNET
Send the command:     GET filename
where the filename is either:
          LSVSTART PS           (Postscript)
          LSVSTART MEMO         (plain text)