Interconnection of group communication services 
Harri Salminen

What is a group communication service?

Any service designed to support communication between a group of
persons. In this paper I will concentrate on the interconnection methods
between some popular systems that are being used in FUNET to offer group
communication services, namely various flavors of mailing lists, netnews
and PortaCOM. I will describe how to interconnect them although the
methods presented could probably be applied to most systems that support
some form of the RFC 822 or X.400 interconnectivity.

Mailing lists

 Mailing lists were created soon after electronic mail was invented to
distribute messages to a list of people that was predefined with a short
name so that the originator didn't have to type in all the addressees
individually. Simplest of these mailing lists are local to a user or a
machine so that no-one can't send to them via a network. Obviously this
was unsatisfactory solution for unmoderated communication in networked
communities and the solution was to create pseudo users or aliases which
redistribute everything sent to them. There's two major approaches to
mailing lists in academic networks that have different historical

The Internet mailing list approach

This is the convention that was created among the users of DoD ARPA
Internet. In it the mail message is distributed using the RFC821Also
called SMTP or more generally MTA-MTA protocol in this paper. protocol
and addressing without manipulating the RFC 822 To: or Cc: fields.
Normally only a Sender field should be added to point to a human
responsible for taking care of the problems the automatic distribution
might create. In reality there might sometimes also be Return-Path,
Resent-From, Errors-To, Autoforwarded etc. headers to identify that it
was automatically forwarded but a much more common case is that there's
no added headers at all and the Originator will get the error messages
instead of the list maintainer. By convention this list maintainer can
usually be found behind a listname---request alias in the same host as
the list itself but it's not necessary for the list to function,
although it helps others to find him. The benefit of having the list's
address in the To: or Cc: field is that you can in most mail user agents
do a reply to all addressees of the message including the list or just
reply to the originator of the message. Also you can find out from which
list the message came from. Only some really broken gateways might
resend this message back to the list creating a loop. Currently almost
all mailers deliver mail based on the MTA-MTA level addresses and only
in case of problems they send error messages back to the sender or in
some cases to the originator. Since error messages are not at all
standardised in RFC 822 they vary widely and often fail to even mention
which kind of address or even which kind of letter caused the problem...

Internet also supports moderated lists where a human moderater receives
all the messages and after editing resends them using a non-public list
to the subscribers. Often many messages are packaged together as digest
in a standard form that can be later split back to separate messages in
a User Interface or even in a gateway. Because of the moderation work
needed this method isn't as common as normal open lists and I'd
recommend digesting only if you are going to be adding real value by
editing like in a magazine and not just repackaging together everything
unedited. These can be gatewayed to netnews and PortaCOM in whole or in
pieces and contributions to the editor can be directed back to the
moderator. Often there's no need for any gateway since the moderator
might send the digest directly to the different forums.

This Internet approach to mailing lists has spread widely so that almost
every RFC-822 mailer can support them and even many X.400 MTAs support
it. So Internet style mailing lists are in use almost everywhere.
Archives are normally maintained by concatenating messages to local
files and putting them available on anonymous ftp or in some cases via
separate mail archive server. Very large lists can cause high loads to
the distributing host and networks which has been eased in some cases by
setting up local sublists. More efficient network use could also be done
by source routing a group of addresses to a some agreed mailer nearer
the destination but determining which mailer is nearer to the
destination might be a complex task. Despite of all the shortcomings
this is the easiest solution for small static groups and works almost

 The Listserv approach

The other major approach to mailing list distribution has it's roots in
BITNET and EARN. First before Internet addressing, mailers or even
RFC-822 headers required for mail gateways to other networks had become
commonplace, a virtual machine called LISTSERV was created in
BITNICBITNET Network Information Center to redistribute mail and IBM
NOTE files using NJE addressing that uses eight character usernames and
nodenames. Among others places this original LISTSERV was also installed
in a node FINHUTC where I tried to extend it's capabilities for local
use. Another person who had noticed the shortcomings in the original
LISTSERV was a bright young systems programmer Eric Thomas who worked
with the FRECP11 system in Paris. He decided to write a better one from
scratch in his spare time which was then called the Revised Listserv.
For short it can be called just the Listserv here since the original one
isn't used even in BITNIC anymore. 

During the years there has been much development but there's still many
systems on EARN and BITNET that don't have mailers or use IBM NOTEs.
Since one can't expect that users always send mail via mailers a
LISTSERV node has to have dummy users for each list they support. This
rules out in most cases the use of long addresses with ---request
suffix. Eric Thomas sees the Listserv as a mail based server application
and not as a part of a mailer. So listserv processes the files it
receives on the dummy userids more than a mailer proably would. Most
importantly the default action is to remove most of the original headers
except the Subject and From, add a To header pointing to the subscriber
and a Sender, in most cases also Reply-To, pointing to the list. This
results in clean short headers for the user which can easily be archived
based on the Sender: field in a popular RFC 822 user agent under the
VM/SP CMS operating system. Unfortunately these short headers also can
cause problems which might be hard to solve. Especially since the
RFC-822 error messages are not at all standardised, except that they
should be send to the Sender: address, they have often caused mailing
loops. Eric has mostly solved this problem by developing very extensive
loop detection algorithms that catch most error messages and even
duplicated files and forwards them to the list owner so that nowadays
real mailing loops are fairly uncommon. 

Listserv has gained enourmous popularity in VM/SP CMS sites all over
EARN, BITNET and other NJE based networks because of it's extensive
range of features and automatic functions ranging from automatic
subscription by the user to a complex SQL style database supporting mail
and file archive functions. Listserv has now many functions and features
that can be used to have quite Internet style headers, lists closed for
even submission outside it's members, personal mail forwarding,
providing network information services, line monitoring, file traffic
control etc.

First approach to network overload was sublists like in the Internet but
soon a peering technique was developed in which lists are linked
bidirectionally to each other in equal fashion. Since administering lots
of peer links is timeconsuming and error-prone another more automatic
distribution optimisation technique was developed. Now most of the major
LISTSERVers belong to a so called DIST2 backbone where mailing list is
automatically expanded in the nearest listserv to the user. 


 Very good selectivity and reachability
 Closed an moderated list can be supported
 Especially suited for small static groups 
 One familiar mail user interface  is enough for all electronic


High volumes and missing structure can cause information overload to the
User has to know how and where to subscribe and contribute  
No way to cancel or expire messages
 Loops, expired accounts and other errors cause many problems especially
for the maintainers
Distribution might cause unnecessary load to the network


Due to the many problems with large mailing lists in a relatively slow
and unreliable uucp network a standardised message distribution system
with hierachy and automatic loop control was developed. Actually loops
were even desired to ensure that a message was distributed at least via
some route in the event of failures. The messages consist of a
relatively well defined RFC-822  subset and standardised control
messages. The RFC 1036 defines the following set of required headers: 
From, Date, Newsgroups, Subject, Message-ID and Path. There's also
defined a set of optional headers: Followup-To, Expires, Reply-To,
Sender, References, Control, Distribution, Keywords, Summary, Approved,
Lines, Xref and Organisation. Others can be used as well and like in
RFC-822 they should be passed through unchanged. Especially important
for the interconnection are the Newsgroups header which explicitly
categorises the message to a predefined group, the Message-ID which is
used in association with a history database for automatic loop control
and duplicate removal, and the Path which tells which route the message
has traversed. 

Because of it's origin there's a wide variety of News Transfer and User
Agents for UNIX systems but also increasing number implementations for 
other operating systems like VM/SP and VMS.

Optimized for large public distribution 
Easy and private group selection and browsing 
Support for group hierarchies, keywords and references
Message cancellation and expiry control is possible 
No need to administer individual users
Distributed control without a single central authority possible
Coordinated, redundant and optimised loop free distribution network 


Not available for everyone without a gateway
Closed membership groups not normally supported
Not suitable for small widely distributed groups
High volume leads to short expiration times


PortaCOM is a portable version of COM which is a computer conferencing
system developed originally at QZ. It has a centralised database where
all messages are stored along with lots of pointers between them for
referencing. Messages are grouped to Conferences that don't have any
hierarchy but long descriptive names. In addition all comments are
rigidly linked to other messages to form a comment tree. It has it's own
intergrated user interface and is normally used by remote login to a
single central computer from all over the network. The PortaCOM NICE
interface offers a possibility for external mail links between different
PortaCOM conferences or to remote mail users. PortaCOM converts the name
of the originator from the internal form to a valid Internet address for
the From field. To field points to the conference and the recipient in a
modified Internet mailing list style and Subject has of course the same
meaning as elsewhere. Message-ID is also used for a reference identifier
and loop control like in netnews. In-Reply-To contains a reference to
the Message-ID of the commented message and X-Envelope-To contains the
MTA level address. Archival is sometimes done after the database fills
up by setting up a separate archive COM or extracting messages to files. 

 Real time operation except for external links
 All comments are linked together to form trees 
 Closed and Public groups are easy to create and maintain
 Messages can easily be canceled later
Central administration and backup procedures on one system 

 User often has to leave his home environment
 Only few centralised systems are in use without much interconnection  
Not many choices for a user interface 
Costs real money to license 
Not easy to modify or extend locally

How they can be interconnected?

For interconnecting these three quite different approaches to group
communication we have to look for the required and optional common
attributes that could be mapped to each other. Also loop control and
good error handling are necessary features for a reliable
interconnection. The good old rule of thumb for well working mail
systems "Be liberal in what you accept and strict in what you output" is
even more important in group communication interconnection since the
message has already been distributed to one community and shouldn't
anymore just be returned to the originator for corrections or in the
worst case just logged in some log file as "bus error, core dumped" and
lost leading to partitioned discussions and loss of information to the
users. The following represents mainly my view on how the attributes
present in different group communication systems should be handled.

Matching attributes 

Conferences, newsgroups or mailing list addresses define specific fairly
static group communication activities or discussion forums. These are
the entities that can be interconnected together with a gateway. The
naming conventions vary greatly and they have to be mapped case by case
to each other by the gateway. Fortunately they are fairly static and the
user needs to know only the one used in his favourite system. To:, Cc:,
Resent-To:, Resent-Cc:, newsgroup etc. headers normally contain only
information used as destination inside one system so they should
normally not passed through although additional recipients might
sometimes be of some informational value.

If a message is crossposted to a several different forums at the same
time there's a possibility that the copy arriving later to the gateway
will be discarded by the loop control systems as a duplicate. In case
only one of the forums was linked the replies most probably will not
arrive to the unconnected forum. This hard to solve and would need a
forum-ID embedded in the message-ID or separate history databases for
each forum along with full linkage of all related forums. For now on one
has to accept that his message might not be distributed on all
parallelly gatewayed forums unless sent separately to each of them. The
reply, followup or comment might not also reach those on parallel forums
like the original at least partially might have done.  

Originator of the message is a natural requirement at least for
information. It can be fairly easily be fullfilled because all systems
support RFC---822 style From addresses although sometimes the domain
part isn't a valid internet domain but some unofficial one. A good
gateway can try to make the addresses easier to reply by looking at a
mapping database. For unknown non---internet addresses the gateway can
try to help by constructing an indirect route via some known host in
found in the path. Personal name is even more informational in the
nature and should be mapped to the netnews subset of RFC 822 for
compability. PortaCOM messages don't have a separate personal name since
it's already nicely available as the userid in the address. Resent-From
addresses are used only in mail systems but they are allowed as extra
informational headers inside other systems.

Since electronic addresses can often be very cryptic almost all netnews
articles contain the optional header Organisation  that should contain
the originator's organisation. News systems normally supply a default
one if the user hasn't specified it. Since it can be quite helpfull
information it should be passed though the gateway and allowed also in
the incoming mailings. If the incoming message doesn't contain one,the
gateway has the option to supply a default one based on which mailing
list or conference the message is coming from. 

Date is also very fundamental for our fast moving society and is usually
also ready in RFC-822 compatible format. Sometimes it has to be
converted to a more cleaner format which can be problematic if it has
unrecoverable errors. Also there's often timezone abbreviations that are
not widely known so it's advisable to convert all zones to either GMT or
+0300 style format. A strict interpretation of RFC-822 would allow only
for US timezones, GMT and the one character US military timezones for
the rest of world. Especially Bnews 2.11 has serious flaws in it's time
zone code and will in addition to improper conversions reject messages
with timezones it considers invalid. I think in the worst case the
gateway should add a new date to replace the unknown one. Time must go
on. Even if it's a bit late

Subject: This has the same informational meaning in almost every
electronic communication system, except that it can be missing on some
mail systems (most notably IBM NOTE) or otherwise left empty. Since the
Subject is a required header at least in netnews a gateway  should in
that case insert a dummy Subject (none) or maybe the first few words of
the body and ellipsis If the message is a reply to an earlier one the
Subject should be prefixed with Re: and In-reply-To: or References:
field used to reference the message being replied to.The none is used in
the current gateway code but I used the latter in the BITNIC listserv
enhancements I made and also mh uses it to fill in short subject lines
so maybe I'll implement it

Message-ID is a unique identifier of a message in the network that is
used for referencing and loop control. RFC-822 defines it to be of the
form <unique@full_domain_name>. Characters allowed in RFC-822 atoms
should be O.K. but since some systems create unconformant message-IDs or
don't accept all conformant ones the gateway should be prepared to "fix"
the most common ones and send error messages via mail about the rest.
Although message-ID is not a required item in RFC-822 it's generated by
most mailers and should be added at the gateway host if it isn't
present. Most notable exceptions are the Crosswell Mailer and LISTSERV
which normally even removes message-ID headers. For gatewaying purposes
it's enough to set a FULLHDR option for the subscription, after which
LISTSERV does minimum "cleaning" and even generates a message-ID if it's
missing. If a bi-directional link to a system that removes or destroys
message-IDs is made the gateway can't regognize duplicate mailings
arriving to it.

In-Reply-To: and References: field are used for making backward
references to earlier messages. In-Reply-To identifies the message for
which the reply was made and normally contain's some free form
descriptive test and the message-ID. PortaCOM excepts it to contain only
the Message-ID of the earlier message this is a comment for so the
gateway has to clean the field to get the PortaCOM comment trees formed.
Of course if the message-ID isn't available it can't be referenced and
automatic reference search isn't possible. References to other earlier
messages should go to the references field in similar fashion. Netnews
has slightly different interpretation and doesn't use the In-Reply-To
field at all, instead it appends the message-ID of the followed up
message to the References: field. Ideally a gateway should convert back
and forth between these different conventions but currently it just
checks for the correctness and length of the fields and merges them to a
common Refences line. I plan to correct that in a future version though.

Sender should have an address of a human responsible for the message
distribution. According to RFC-822 this is the primary address for
sending error messages and problem reports. For a standard LISTSERV list
this a problem because the Sender points to the list itself and if the
extensive loop catching mechanism doesn't regognize it in time it will
result in a loop. Unfortunately it will sometimes catch too well
preventing distribution of large digests or other messages that contain
suspicious looking lines in their bodies. The cure for this is to
configure the list with Sender pointing to a human and relaxing the loop
checking rules by using the optional Sender and LoopCheck keywords with
suitable parameters. Normally a new sender field will be generated for
the outgoing mail by the gateway so that possible errors with the
interconnections will reach the right persons.

Trace information is usually recorded along the route of the message and
is mostly usefull for resolving problems. Netnews records only the path
message has traversed by prepending host names before a userid in the
traditional uucp style. Sometimes it's also used for loop detection so
the hostnames should be unique registered ones. Although it should not
be used for replies it can be used as a basis for forming a possibly
working From address especially in case the original isn't a widely
recognized one.

The message body according to RFC-822 is an uninterpreted arbitrarily
long text consisting of any seven bit ASCII character combinations
except CRLF. In practice there are arbitrary limits to the length of the
message which can cause real problems by truncating messages. A
recommended limit for splitting messages is 50--60KB but some systems
will choke on much smaller messages. Special care should be taken if a
portaCOM conference is linked since the system might have been
configured to accept only fairly small messages. Also some systems might
not like some control characters like null or some other character
combinations. If some system uses eight bit character codes the most
significant bit will probably be stripped along the way making the
message at least harder to read. Of course other character conversions
needed for different systems can cause problems as well but that's a
fact of life in networking.

Unmatching attributes

Rest of the attributes don't map well from one system to another so they
should either be removed as being unnecessary and out of context or
passed through for their possible informational value. It's often matter
of taste what is usefull information and what is not. I support the view
common in netnews environment that the user should be able to decide if
something is important by offering him at least enough information. Many
good user agents support user defined filtering patterns but they can't
reconstruct deleted information. In the following are some examples of
headers and what could be done with them.

Resent-From, Resent-Date, Resent-Subject, X-Resent-From ... are headers
that should at least be passed through from mail because otherwise
reader's wouldn't know who forwarded the message to the list or
conference and possibly added some comments.  

Control, Expires, Lines, followup-To and Distribution are used in
netnews would be out of context outside so they can normally be removed.
Control messages that aren't normally shown even to netnews readers
shouldn't be passed though either since they can't be used to control
the outside world anyway. Especially message cancellation doesn't work
across a gateway.

PortaCOM is quite sparse with headers and there's normally nothing to
remove or add if the X-envelope-To header and To headers were processed
earlier. Portacom can support all other types of headers by putting them
in the beginning of the message body prefixed with % sign E.g.
%Organisation: "My real organisation". 

Other headers like Approved, Summary, Keywords or other possibly user
defined ones can be passed through unchanged, removed or otherwise
processed depending on the local configuration and the gateway
maintainer's views. 

Links and loop control

To identify the incoming mail to a gateway belonging to a certain forum
it's safest not to try using  some strings in Sender, Newsgroups, To,
Cc, Resent-To, Resent-Cc etc. for selecting the right mapping. It's much
better to set up a separate address for each different link using the
alias system so that both ends of a bi-directional link have unique
addresses. For example the following could be in an alias file for a
newsgroup dist.main.sub that has links both to a mailing list and a
PortaCOM conference:

lst-dist-main-sub: "!/usr/lib/news/gwbin/mail2news 
   -n distribution.main.sub -d distribution 
   -x listgw"
com-dist-main-sub: "!/usr/lib/news/gwbin/mail2news 
   -n distribution.main.sub -d distribution 
   -o 'PortaCOM Organisation' -x comgw"

This way even a message sent by Bcc: to an Internet style mailing list
would be mapped to the right newsgroup and also redistributed out of the
other link to the PortaCOM system without any regular expression
matching or AI techniques. The ---x flag is important for the gateway
because it excludes the outgoing link back to the mailing list from the
distribution. This functionality isn't, to my knowledge, currently
available in LISTSERV or PortaCOM which means that they will send the
message back to the gateway which will silently discard it using the
Message-ID based loop control in the netnews system. Even if the
Message-ID is lost or changed the message will be duplicated only once
and not left looping around. Untill this kind of exclusion capability by
incoming address is possible in the other end of a connection the
returning messages are unavoidable although harmless extra traffic.

 Each of outgoing link could be defined using the pseudo sites listgw
and comgw in the following fashion: 

:/usr/lib/news/gwbin/news2mail listaddress 
list-real-address sender contact
:/usr/lib/news/gwbin/news2mail conference
 conference-real-address sender contact

These will direct the netnews system to select right message and pipe it
to the outgoing gateway program, set up link dependent headers like To,
Sender, and Received according to the given parameters and deliver the
message using MTA level addressing to where it should go. Having real
destination and RFC-822 To: header separated is usefull for setting up
local Internet mailing lists that actually first come inside news and
only after to a separate distribution alias. To the users it will look
like the gateway had really sent it to the list.


Currently there are many different Unix implementations of gateways
between mail and netnews available. Also at least one implementation is
available for VM/SP. All the available implementations differ slightly
in header processing and interconnection methodology from what I've
described here. Many use less complex header mappings, remove most of
the headers and don't try to "fix" Date, From or Message-ID values
although they are crucial for reliable service. Some try to decipher
from the mail headers to which group it belongs and others work well
only with local mailing lists or aren't even bi-directional. Still they
all have solved somebody's group communication problem.

In FUNET I've been using for production a gateway that was originally
developed for the ucbvax by Erik Fair <> with slight
modifications. It was further developed and partly rewritten using C by
Rich Satz <> who also wrote the gag gateway alias generator
for easier configuration of the many parameters in alias and sys files.
I've been using that version as a basis for a new gateway that would
include the features I've been missing in others. The bbn version is
available via anonymous ftp from and you might find some gateway
versions in too. The gateway was originally designed with
B2.11 news and Sendmail in mind but it seems to work very well with
Cnews and Zmailer too.


Because there's no Message-ID based loop control in mailing list
distribution systems there should be only one link from netnews to the
list. If a list is gatewayed to several different groups in different
places, as is sometimes the case today, the message will appear only on
that newsgroup it appeared first if the message has got a unique
Message-ID already at the distribution point like it should have. By
adding your own code to uniquely indentify the gateway in the Message-ID
these problems might be circumvented but it might easily break the loop
control or referencing.

Uncoordinated gatewaying can cause all kinds of problems so it's better
to coordinate with other gateway managers before there's clashes. When
you know that you are the only one doing local or national gatewaying of
these forums there should be no problems but keep your eyes open since
others might start gatewaying the same ones later. After a complete
reorganisation of the sfnet, which is a common distribution for FUNET
and FUUG, I documented all groups in a single file with a chapter
describing the purpose and organisation of each group. The checkgroups
messages can automatically be derived from it as well.  All in all,
group communication services can be interconnected, but you have to be
carefull out there.


I expect the number of links between different systems increase steadily
since it's almost impossible to get all users to accept one system for
group communication. There's many more different types of group
communication systems that haven't yet been interconnected especially
outside academic networks but will be sooner or later. If a system can
generate and receive some kind of a RFC-822 or X.400 mail the current
gateway implementation might need only minor modifications if at all. 

One direction of development might be to add more LISTSERV like
functionalities for automatical management of mailing lists and optimize
their distribution in the Internet and X.400 environments. Currently
there's no pressing need for this since the current LISTSERV backbone
works quite well although it isn't portable to other operating systems.
Extensive new developments might be needed for more advanced group
communication support system like those that have been envisaged for
X.400 by Eunet, AMIGO or CCITT. These kind of gateways Open the current
group communication Systems for Interconnection.
