GLE is a hi quality graphics package for scientists. GLE combines a user friendly interface with a full range of facilities for producing publication quality graphs, diagrams, posters and slides. GLE runs on PC's, VAXes and Unix. It provides LATEX quality fonts together with a flexible graphics module which allows the user to specify any feature of a graph (down to the line width of the subticks for example) Complex pictures can be drawn with user defined subroutines and simple looping structures. The SURFACE utility allows hidden line surface plotting. The CONTOUR utility allows contour plots. The MANIP utility allows columns of data to be manipulated. The FITLS utility allows arbitrary equations to be fitted to data. Current device drivers support XWindows, REGIS, TEK4010, all PC graphics cards, VT100's, HP-Plotters, PostScript Printers, EPSON Printers and LaserJet/Paintjet Printers. GLE runs on VAX-VMS, UNIX and PC's, giving a near identical user interface on all platforms. For information on ftp sites for VMS or UNIX versions of GLE, or any other questions send a mail message to: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- end of advertising, beginning of installation instructions -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to install GLE on a UNIX system ftp the following files: Be sure to use binary transfer for tar_z files. $ ftp FTP> user anonymous Password: (your Email address) FTP> cd /graphics/graphics (probable directory, check index) FTP> ascii FTP> get gle33b.txt (this file) FTP> binary FTP> get gle33b.tar.Z FTP> get (Optional PostScript copy of manual) FTP> quit ............................................................................. GLE will compile under GCC or XLC (on AIX R6000's) It is suggested that you build GLE in a temporary directory of it's own and then use the script to copy the 'required' parts of gle into the system areas, you can then delete the gle source directory tree. Then uncompress and un-Tar the installation kit. uncompress gle33b.tar.Z tar -xvf gle33b.tar cd gle GLE needs to know where it is being built as it runs itself during the installation. Define GLE_TOP: pwd (Print working directory) /home/mydir/gle (sh) export GLE_TOP="/home/mydir/gle/" (use your own directory) (csh) setenv GLE_TOP "/home/mydir/gle/" (don't miss off the trailing slash) To test SURFACE you will need to define SURF_TOP too. export SURF_TOP="/home/mydir/gle/util/surf/" These defines are not needed once gle is installed in the system directories. If you are going to want to test it before copying it to /usr/local/bin then you might want to add GLE_TOP into your PATH. export PATH=$PATH:/home/mydir/gle It might be worth touching the files as TAR doesn't always get the dates right (which confuses make): touch gle/* touch gle/*/* touch gle/*/*/* (if you are building gle in a directory which already had a copy of gle then you might have to force make to recompile by deleting the object files. rm *.o ) Pick one of the files {config.*} which most matches your machine and copy it to {config.i}, you may want to edit this file if you have xwindows or need to make some other simple change. ls config.* cp config.ultrix config.i Now run make: make Once that has completed type in: make doutils To test gle out: Create yourself a gle directory to play in: mkdir gletest cd gletest cp ../demo/* ( or /usr/local/gle/demo/* to copy the examples) Then try it out (note: the command is gle, not cgle): ../gle (For dumb terminals) ../gle -dX (For xwindows) ../gle -dtek (Tektronix 4010 terminals) ../gle -dregis (Regis, vt240, vt340) ../gle -dhpgl (HP plotters) ../gle -dps (To produce PostScript output) (NOTE: if you already have gle installed in a system path then the old version of gle will be picked up rather than the new version (even using gle_path). To avoid this problem you should temporarily remove gle from your path variable, you can also run specific gle drivers using: ../gle_ps (PostScript) ../gle_vt (terminal) (You must replace ../ with the path to where the gle executables were created) (To load a different example press ^F 3, then ^F 0 to draw it) To install gle executables in /usr/bin and the gle help,font and example files into /usr/local/gle enter the command: If you wish to install gle in a different directory permenently then you can modify the file {glepath.h} and then recompile or you can use the environment variable GLE_TOP After checking that gle is working correctly you can delete the source files to save a lot of space: cd .. rm gle -r Once gle has been installed the commands that are added are: gle Graphics Language Editor, graphs and slides. surface Plots hidden line wire mesh 3d plots fitls Fit's best fit least squares line to any equation fitz Creating even grid data from random xyz data letz Creating grid of values from expression manip Data manipulation There is a postscript copy of the manual in If you have to make changes to install GLE on your machine please send them to me. Thanks, Chris. (